14. Freed...Sort of

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(hey guys I hope you enjoy this chapter. F/M= Favorite Movie. And I don't want this to be too long so let's get on with the story!)

I stare into the fridge looking for something to eat. Truth is I wasn't really hungry I was just bored and looking for something to do. My snake had slithered off my hand, down my torso, and off my leg without me noticing.

I continued searching through the fridge while Midnight slithered into the living room. I grabbed some juice and ice cream because why the hell not?

"AHHH! WHAT THE FUCK!" I heard Chucky yell causing everyone to give him a 'shut-the-fuck-up' look while it just startled me. "SNAKE! SNAKE!" Chucky shouted. I looked down at my arm to see Midnight gone.

"Oh! Sorry! That's Midnight!" I said running over and picking her up off the ground while she positioned herself back on my arm. "She must have snuck away when I was getting food" I said with a laugh.

"You need to control that thing!" Chucky said backing away.

"She's just a snake. Look" I said putting my arm out to him. He practically back flipped away. "She's harmless" I said trying not to laugh at his behavior.

"You're being a pussy" Stu commented. I smirked as I got an idea.

"So you're not scared of Midnight?" I asked Stu.

"Of course not it's just a snake" Stu said confidently. Without warning I shoved my arm in his face causing him to be face to face with Midnight. He let out a loud little girl scream.

"SHIT!" He shouted jumping off the couch. I giggled at this.

"Haha! Who's the pussy now!" Chucky said pointing his finger at Stu while smirking.

"Both of you! You're both scared" I said with a laugh. I walked back in the kitchen and began to put some ice cream in a bowl. Sanka, my cat, jumped up on the table trying to eat my ice cream.

"Uh uh! No! Cat off the counter!" Hannibal said walking into the kitchen about the pick Sanka up. I grabbed him before he could.

"First of all, his name is Sanka. Second of all, DON'T touch my cat!" I said giving him a glare while I picked Sanka up.

"I don't want "Sanka" on the counter it's unsanitary!" Hannibal said putting air quotes around Sanka's name.

"So is eating people" I sassed as I picked up my food and Sanka then walked into the living room. I sat down on the couch and shut out the sounds of everyone saying "She just told you off" to Hannibal. I turned the TV on and began watching F/M.

"Haha! Fucker" Chucky snickered to Hannibal.

"I swear if you do not shut up I will have my snake eat you for lunch!" I threatened which surprisingly made him shut up. I finished my ice cream and walked upstairs with Sanka and Midnight.

Why was I just so pissed off? I had no reason to be mad...it can't just be because I'm bored. No it's cause I've been cooped up in this house for so freaking long I can no longer feel any emotion other than anger, sadness, or disgust. (Everyone in quarantine right now)

I sat on my bed and turned on the TV making sure I locked my bedroom door. I wasn't even really watching the TV I was just staring out the window.

There wasn't anything interesting to watch so I just stared at the greenery outside. There wasn't even people outside it was just kind of dull and none life like. It was so dull I couldn't even tell where the house I was in really was.

"Never thought I'd say this, but I miss doing things" I said to myself with a laugh.

"Do you want to go outside?" I heard the familiar voice of Brahms say.

The Psychopath's Girl (YANDERE! Slashers x NURSE! SHY! Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now