15. Out And About

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(okay I know the title fucking sucks..but...fuck it it's gonna stay that way my gay ass sucks at writing 😂😂 Y/A= Your age)

I giggled looking down at Stu trying to reach me. I was currently on the highest branch in a tree...well as high as I could be without my fat ass snapping the branch. I stuck my tongue out teasingly as I stood up to get further away from him.

"Get down here, Y/N! It's not safe!" Stu shouted up to me.

"Not coming down unless you come and get me" I said as I tried to climb up a bit more, but decided against it because I didn't want to fall.

"I'm not climbing up there" He said.

"Then I'm not coming down" I said as I sat back down on the branch.

"I'm gonna count to three and if you aren't down here by then you're gonna go inside" Stu said.

"What? Noooo! I wanna stay outside!" I whined.

"Then come down" Stu said. I looked and saw everyone else just staring and watching this unfold.

"But it's fun up here" I sighed crossing my arms.

"It's fun down here too and if you don't come down you're going inside" Stu said. I didn't say anything and sat there swinging my legs back in forth. I yelped in surprise when I was grabbed from behind by the waist.

I looked and saw Kayako who began to carry me down the tree bridal style. I held on tightly so I wouldn't fall. We reached the ground and she put me down. I crossed my arms and huffed.

"Can we go out in the town?.." I asked

"No" Freddy said.

"But! Nobody will recognize me! I look like a completely different person" I argued.

"You aren't going" Freddy said. I looked around then ran over to Hannibal.

"Please Hannibal! No one will know who I am! I just wanna go out and look around just for a teeny weeny bit" I pleaded.

"I'm not so sure, Y/N" Hannibal said.

"Please! Micheal could come and watch me from a far since he's so good at hiding! That way I can go out, no one will know who I am, and you'll know I won't leave. Pretty pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?" I said with a pouty face.

"Aww...that was the cutest thing ever" Pennywise said with a blush.

"Fine... I guess it's alright" Hannibal gave in. "Micheal you'll go with her and make sure she doesn't try and run" Hannibal said.

"YAYAYAYA!" I beamed happily hugging Hannibal tightly. "LET'S GO! COME ON COME ON! HURRY UP!" I shouted grabbing Micheal's hand a pulling him along.

*Hannibal's p.o.v*

When she was trying to convince me I couldn't help, but practically gush over her. She really is adorable and when she hugged me I didn't even know how to feel.

Does that mean she loves me? I know I love her, but is it possible she loves me back?

"Calm your hormones, Lector" Freddy said sharply.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Did you forget that I can read minds...again?" Freddy asked annoyed.

"You have thought of much more lewd things than I have, Krueger" I said crossing my arms.

"Just say horny Jesus you stuck up son of a bitch" Freddy said rolling his eyes.

"Stop fighting! Y/N would certainly not be okay with this" Carrie said pushing Freddy and I away from each other

"Carrie's right. If we want Y/N to love us we need to stop fighting so much she really doesn't like it and sometimes it ends up with her getting hurt which we definitely don't want" Brahms said.

"Whatever" Freddy said walking back into the house.

*Y/N's p.o.v*

I ran around town while Micheal hid in the trees keeping a close eye on me. I ran up to a Kona ice stand (Kona ice is basically like an ice in case you don't know) I bought my favorite flavor and ran over to Micheal.

"Thank you for coming with me!!!" I said obviously very sugared up from the Kona ice.

I think maybe you should take it easy on that icee Micheal wrote in his notebook.

"No! It's so good!" I said excitedly. "Let's go do more stuff" I said as I went to run around the town some more. I ran into a store and bought some band merch.

"Excuse me, miss. Have you seen this girl around?" I heard a voice ask. I turned to look and my eyes widened in shock. He was holding up a picture of me.

"Dewey?" I asked.

"How do you know my name?" He asked in confusion.

"Um...my friend's dad used to be a cop and knew who you were and you looked like how she described you" I lied sheepishly.

"Anyway have you seen this girl. Her name is Y/N L/N she's Y/A. She looks like this and she used to work at the mental hospital here in town" He said explaining well...me. My makeup must be really good because he doesn't recognize me at all.

I really wanted to tell him it was me. I wanted to go with him and no longer be stuck in captivity, but Micheal was watching and if I were to tell him the truth...my life would be over... literally.

"No...I haven't seen her around. I'm sorry, but I'll be sure to contact the police if I do see her around" I said with a sad smile.

"Oh...well thank you anyway" He said tipping his hat and walking away sadly. I rubbed my arm and watched him walk away. I wanted to call to him and tell him who I was, but I can't.

This really ruined my entire mood. I walked out of the store my head hanging low. I walked behind the tree Micheal was at. I held my ice tightly as it was really the only thing making me feel better right now. Your girl loves food.

"L-lets go home" I said sadly. He put his arm around my shoulders and we began to walk home. I arrived home and ran up to my room ignoring everyone who asked me how it was. I slammed my door closed, locking it, and sat on my bed and ate my feeling.

*Micheal's p.o.v*

"The fucks wrong with her?" Chucky asked. I pulled out my notebook and began to write down what had happened

She ran into Dewey out there and he didn't recognize her, but I'm guessing she's sad that she couldn't tell him it was her.

"N-now I feel b-bad" Norman said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Me too" Brahms said.

"Me three" Carrie agreed.

"Maybe I should go talk to her!" Pennywise said. Jason stood in front of him to block him from going up the stairs.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Billy said.

"Why not?" Pennywise asked.

"She probably wants some time to herself" Carrie answered.

"Ugh fine" Pennywise reluctantly agreed.

I hope she's okay

(Hope you enjoyed! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)
Word count: 1,209

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