Chapter 3 - Scarred Differences

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Passion swept over them and they both forgot about their surroundings or any previous concerns and doubts. Draco released a little from Hermione and started to kiss her cheek, her jaw, and then the top of her neck. She leaned outward to give Draco more area to explore. He tried to glance up at her while kissing her neck to get a visual on how she reacted to him. Her eyes were closed enjoying every bit of it; this encouraged Draco to keep going. When his lips found every spot on one side of her neck, he slowly traveled back to her lips, combed her hair with his fingers, and then moved down to the other side of her neck. Before he knew it, he was starting to kiss her collar bone. It was a little uncomfortable at first being where he was, but she seemed to enjoy that the most. He continued to kiss her softly, slowly. Heat from their bodies were now entangled and they could feel each other's emotion.

Hermione's arm loosened up from around Draco and he noticed her hand was starting to slip underneath his jacket. He went back up to kiss her lips, and started to get distracted, "Don't get too fast... I don't want to say no to her... her breath is intoxicating! Her touch is electrifying!" Her hand found its way underneath his shirt and then she kept her hand there and rubbed his side. He could feel her lips slow down; she was now distracted. "Oh, no..." Draco gently pulled Hermione from him but kept a slight hold on her. She refused to let go from under his shirt.

Trying to pull her hand away, discreetly, Draco mentioned, "Wow... Hermione..." Even though he was worried about the questions in her head, he couldn't hide the fact he was completely star struck.

She smiled in return, but worry covered her face, "Draco, stop. What is that?" Knowing she knew, he honestly couldn't tell her no. He sighed and lifted the left side of his jacket and shirt to show his very refined, very handsome abdomen, but on top of all that, he revealed old scars. Some were only a couple of inches long but one started from the bottom of his armpit and goes further past his waist down his hip. Goosebumps were left in the traces of her finger tips as she followed his scars. He turned away in shame and embarrassment. No one had ever seen his past this close before, and Draco was flabbergasted that Hermione was the first to experience the root of his personality. Taking a note to his shiver, Hermione lowered his shirt and jacket and kept her hand on his side. Draco kept his face turned from her.

He could feel the tension start to build as the silence grew, and Draco was worried about what to say or do. Nothing suitable came to mind. A situation such as this has never happened before and she was to precious to ruin. Logic started to settle in Draco's mind, "It might be best not to involve her... I'm the selfish one that would drag her into the depths of darkness... then my family... they would, are, too evil."

Warmth circled him and when he looked over, Hermione had snuggled further into Draco's lap and wrapped her arms around him then she laid her head on his chest. At first, Draco was uncertain and conflicted. Should he take this in and give anything to her or push her away and make things easier for them later down the road? Without thinking too much on the subject, his arms wrapped around her, holding her tight, and he rested his head on top of hers. Time was irrelevant to the magical couple, but nonetheless there was always an end to magical moments. They both stiffened up when they heard voices from the courtyard.

"Don't you think, it's a bit odd for her to go to the library at this time of night? Especially the night before the winter break? She needs to be back soon." Ron's voice was the opposite of quiet but full of concern. "Harry? What is it?"

Harry's voice seemed to have been right above Draco and Hermione. "Oh, Ron, stop worrying. She's a big girl, she can handle herself. She needs to watch out for Umbridge though..." His footsteps started to walk away from the two hidden under the Cloak. "Besides, what's it to you? She doesn't have to tell you everything, now does she?" Harry teased.

Ron's voice was further away, "Gosh! Harry! Nonsense... never... let her be..."

When voices and footsteps were not heard for a while, Hermione finally loosened up, however Draco did not. He tried his best to fight the feeling that was brewing inside of him, but it over boiled – just like everything else. Without control, he moved away from Hermione. He instantly shivered because of the cold.

"He has some nerve!" Draco flung his arm towards there area Ron and Harry were. "Could he be more obnoxious?" His face started to get warmer by the blood rushing to it.

Hermione became firm, "Draco Malfoy, what do you mean? They are my friends, best friends, and they know something might be suspicious. If they come looking for me, it is because they are concerned, and if I dare say so, you would think to do the same."

Draco was taken back by the tone Hermione took with him. She was stern, but compassionate. Another trait that was so appealing to Draco, something he had never experienced and she knew the perfect balance of it. Even though admiration iced over him, jealousy continued to melt through his skin.

He scoffed, "Oh, please. He wants nothing more than to be smothering and controlling towards you. That's why there are so many of those red heads running around... invading everything they touch." Draco pulled his knees to his chest and held them tightly with clenched fists. Hermione brushed back fallen hair that fell in front of his eyes. Worry flowed from her eyes to her touch.

"Please try and get some rest over the break," she whispered calmly as she moved her hand to hold his face to rub the dark circles under his eyes. "Ronald, is nothing more than a friend, along with Harry. And, well, you..." she smiled, lifting Draco's spirit, "you were unexpected and rather different, but enjoyable."

Draco held Hermione's hand, "May I write to you? Honestly, I am afraid everything will go back to the ways things were if I don't have some connection with you. You're like a..." Draco struggled with being poetic, "a great ball of light while I'm trapped in the Forbidden Forest."

Hermione took delight in this, "Of course you can, my parents won't know the difference, they are Muggles after all, but you are already aware of that." A grin escaped and carried over to Draco. "I will miss that smile... please don't lose it over the break."

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