Chapter 1 - Forgiven

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The chill in the air warned students of the upcoming weather change. There wasn't anyone who was more excited for the holiday break than Draco. The break, the distance, and the separation might get his mind straight. Many tasks were laid upon Draco, and only a few of them were his own doing, causing stressful days and restless nights, and being at this school was adding to it. Unfortunately, there was something, someone rather, that nagged at the back of his mind the most and it was too large to ignore even though he tried with every breath to forget about the incident.

When he closed his eyes for more than a couple of seconds he saw her. Sometimes, he would regrettably toy with the idea for a little longer and try to remember every detail of that night and then want of more grew too fast. Draco would catch himself and start to read Hogwarts: A History or finish writing an essay to keep his mind distracted. The next month was agonizing for Draco, not only because he tried his hardest to avoid her, but he was now starting to wonder what she was thinking. There were many times he convinced himself he would meet her in the Great Hall or after Potions and go over what happened and to make things clearer, but the nausea that formed left him a coward.

A week before the break, Draco snuck out of his dormitory and tried to walk off his pent up stress. Getting out of the castle was a piece of cake when everyone was passed out from their full bellies from the holiday feast and not on patrol. Once he was out in the courtyard he pulled his hood over his head and fastened his jacket tighter so the bitter snow wouldn't cut through his skin. The walk under the full moon casted shadows from all angles keeping Draco on edge. Going the opposite direction from Hagrid's hut – who had smoke coming out of his chimney – he decided to walk by the snow covered hedges lining up with outside courtyard's walls. The tunnel vision that had engulfed him, caused him to lose all awareness of his surrounds.

"Draco?" a faint whisper came from in front of him. He stopped dead in his tracks. "What are you doing out here?" He lifted his head, hoping to find a teacher or Dumbledore himself, but was rather disappointed when he had confirmed the familiar voice.

Hermione. Her perfectly untidied curls were hidden underneath a dark grey beanie and her figure just as firm as her attitude mesmerized Draco. He shook it off when she started to speak.

"You're not supposed to be out here at this time of night," she barked putting her hands on her hips, "You will get into loads of trouble if you are caught!"

Draco fought instinctively, "I am out here because I want to! What do you care if I get into trouble? I am always in trouble compared to you and your fan club!" Jealousy was erupting from Draco. He took a step forward.

She mimicked the step and replied, "If you are caught, I am caught and I don't want that!" Their voices were now above a whisper. He took a step even closer and tightened up his posture to show he wasn't backing down, even though the words in his mind were a slur. This reaction time was too slow to give a retort back. "And at least I have friends!" Hermione flung her hands in her jacket pockets and held her ground.

A sting hit Draco when he realized he was only a foot away from Hermione which caught him off guard. "Well, uh..." He started to fumble and wanted to step back, but couldn't. Then it slipped and rolled off of his tongue uncontrollably, "At least I am a pure blo..." He stopped – wide eyed – but it was too late. After the month of ignoring and avoiding, he knew that was the last thing he wanted to say to her. He couldn't bare to say it again. She swallowed hard and her face started to get red, Draco tried to fix it. His voice softer, but he stammered, "Hermione, I am..." it was harder for him to apologize.

Pride was always there for him, and unfortunately he let it control him in the worst of moments. Hermione pivoted and lost her admirable firm structure, which crushed him even more. Before he could act in enough time, she sniffed and wiped her face on her sleeve and then started to walk away.

The last thing he thought he could say spewed out, "I can't stop thinking about you." Hermione stopped and he continued, "Ever since we saw each other in the owl tower. When you're around, I don't know how to act and I can't control anything!" It all continued to flow without his consent, "Before, anger and pride controlled me whereas now, all I can envision are the little freckles on your nose and the softness of your lips, and it literally makes me nauseous... wait," He face palmed, "I mean in a... good way..." Everything he had planned to say was not how it came out and he was starting to feel his stomach come up his throat.

She turned her head a little bit back towards him and whispered, "I forgive you..." The words echoed in his mind as she left his presence and went back through the courtyard towards the castle.

Stuck in a daze, he whispered to himself, "Forgiven? No one has said that to me before..."

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