Chapter 4 - Separation

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As they said their goodbyes and created a plan to get back into the castle, they found their ways back to their Common Room, unnoticed. Draco came to an empty and cool Common Room; the fire was now only coals and the stone walls radiated with the chill from outside. Draco fell on the couch and wanted to replay everything that had happened. Joy ran through him keeping him wildly awake and full of passion. He grabbed a scrap piece of paper on the end table and the nearest quill and ink and began to write. He filled the letter with everything he wanted to say to Hermione, but never mustered up the courage to do so. Moving onto the back and before he could finish a sentence, the sound of steps jogging down the stairs interrupted the thought. Quickly, Draco jammed the letter into his jacket pocket.

Goyle entered panting, "Oh! Draco! You finally arrived!" He was a bit sarcastic. "It's not like we had plans or anything." He was now next to Draco at the couch. "What are you hiding?" Goyle pointed to Draco's pocket.

Draco stood ignoring his question, "Listen Goyle, I had to take care of something," Draco pulled out his wand intimidatingly, "And if you ask me, it was well worth it!" A fake laugh came out of Draco but Goyle believed it.

"Oh! You messed something up with Potter? Or did you have another meeting with your father and some of his..." He whispered the last part, "friends?" Goyle was eager to gain as much information as possible about the Malfoy's family friends.

Draco put his arm around Goyle and walked him to the stairs, "I will know more after the break. Now, I am going to bed. You should do the same." He was easily in charge and dominating. Two descriptions that made Draco feel comfortable and wanting to do more of it. No matter how much he thought of how Hermione made him feel, he enjoyed being in charge and authoritative way too much. He could feel the distance that was starting to grow between him and his light.

The winter break dragged on and the Malfoy Manor was in a continual frenzy. Draco wanted to find time to write more to Hermione, however he was a little peeved there were very few that made it to him. Once he stopped receiving letters from her for weeks, Draco kept his mind on something other than pining over a girl, especially Hermione Granger. Many strangers and friends of the Malfoys were in and out the Manor multiple times a week. Draco wanted to please his family, his father especially, by doing what was correct in their eyes. His mother was the only one to mention Draco's distant mind during the winter break.

"It's nothing, mother. Honest." Draco lied through his teeth. He couldn't tell her about the minimal change in his heart, because it would change everything drastically.

Draco's mother stood in front of a mirror that hung in the foyer, "Well, if you say so." She could feel the tension, and kept an eye on him from the reflection of the mirror, "You know this task is important. It will give your family good graces to those around us." Draco leaned against the wall, with hands in his pockets. He wore a black thin fitting suit with pointed black shoes, and his hair was slicked back. She turned and tightened up his tie, "We all have secrets, Dumbledore has many that we all need to know, for our safety. Your safety." Draco searched his mother's eyes for approval, she continued, "My dear boy, follow the instruction of Professor Umbridge and you will be... content."

They both knew he would not be happy with this task, but it was the only path for him right now. After examining Draco and making she he held no flaw, she dismissed him and he strolled outside. Draco wasn't aware of the true consequences of any disobedience by his family, but fear was still the thorny vines that was still rooted deep within him. While walking through the garden, the brisk wind blew stray hairs out of place. Down the path a ways, a stone bench invited him to rest and he began to observing the hedges. They reminded him of his time with Hermione, and how he wanted to share his garden with her. With the way events are turning out, they would never be able to be together. If only things were different and if only he was in charge of his own life. Draco felt as if he was a puppet tied to a ventriloquist, and no matter what he was being pulled in the opposite direction of his own doing.

A screech of an owl disrupted his melancholy thought. When he found the owl trying to fly straight, he stood in anticipation. Could this finally be from Hermione? The owl was very peculiar; the wind was not strong at all, but this creature had the worst time trying to stay afloat. When the bench was in landing view of the bird, it decided to crash land into a hedge past Draco. The bird flapped and became upright and kept hopping on one foot. Bending down, Draco noticed a letter attached to this brown owl. His wide eyes were eagerly staring at Draco awaiting to be free. The note was rolled up and tied with a thin gold ribbon. Before opening it, Draco searched and made sure he was alone, and when he was sure, he sat down on the stone cold bench and unrolled the letter. The foreign feeling of joy consumed him as he read the perfect penmanship.

'Again, I'm sorry to keep bothering you, but I just needed to make sure you are alright. Many strange things and sightings have been made on my end, and I can only imagine what it's been like for you! Please, any sign of your well being would be greatly appreciated. I know it will be very risky, but I need to see and talk to you on the train tomorrow; I have some... news. I would say everything is ok, but it isn't. I don't want to lie to you. Again, I am sorry to have written to you for what seems like every week, but I am just worried for you.

p.s. please ignore the loaf of an owl... I think he belongs to Percy, but I needed something quicker and Crookshanks will only do anything if it's annoying. -HG'

Many thoughts raced through Draco's mind. "Once a week? Where have these letters been? Has someone taken them before me? She cares for me this much or does she act this way towards Weasley and Potter as well? Is she with them now? I hope she didn't hear about the mayhem at the ministry... or was involved with that... my father is still on trial." He was worried for Hermione and worried for his father, however they were both a different type of worry. The sun came from around the clouds raising the temperature ever so slightly. Draco could feel the air warm up, but it was comforting; he was tired of being cold and seeing everything so dreary. That was where he was certain Hermione would come in handy, however he had to focus. He was thrilled by her letter, but needed to follow the path that was bestowed up on him. Hermione wouldn't understand...neither will her friends let her. All of what Draco needed to do for his family had to come as a secret. Fear encased his mind on the possibility of failure. Death Eaters were covering the house the whole break and watching his family every moment they had the chance. Having Professor Umbridge at the school was not making anything any easier. Even though he was excited about pushing around those beneath him, he still wanted to be careful and not hurt Hermione in the process.

The owl startled Draco as it tried to take lift off pathetically, bringing Draco back down to Earth. He repeated the plan that was given to him by his mother and only needed to focus. He turned and studied his magnificent house, the Malfoy Manor, for any piece of comfort. It was two stories tall, with a heavily used attic and a terrifying basement that was rarely visited by Draco, on purpose. He shuddered when he thought about the times his father would drag him by the collar and lock him in the basement and allow their evil house elf to whip at him. His mother was never dramatic, however she was always stern with his father about lessening the time Draco was sentenced down there. Draco respected his mother, but was always unaware about how she really felt towards him. He always got what he wanted, but nothing ever filled the void that grew inside of him the past couple of years, until Hermione.

He wanted to share his life with her and show her the Grand Hall that was in the back of the first floor, or the artifact room and all of what was displayed in it on the second floor. The want of her to be here ate at Draco, because he knew it would never be possible. The most Pureblood family would never accept a witch like Hermione into their home as a guest, let alone be a part of their family. Draco agreed that magic users should have history intertwined with magical ancestors, it was installed into him at a very young age. Hermione had clouded his pure judgement and created doubt for him; something that made all of the upcoming events even harder for him to understand or comply with.

The last half of his fifth year was already mapped out for him. Professor Umbridge and Professor Snape were to keep an eye on him to make sure he was following the plan, neither of them knowing about the other. Draco was to continue his prefect duties and join the Inquisitorial Squad to keep a closer look on the school. Both things he did take pride in, however Draco didn't want it to be wrong choice. The scars on his side started to tingle as a brisk chill raced through his skin as the wind blew. Notes were mentally created of what to say to Hermione on the train and how he could talk to her unnoticed. Maybe she would use the Invisibility Cloak again or just enchant everyone not to notice. Draco played through failed attempts in his mind as the day grew darker. He never saw a fortunate ending which only led to anxiety and restlessness the night before the train ride back to the wretched school.

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