Chapter 2 - Invisible Truths

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Nothing could slow Draco down the rest of the week. He was light on his feet and a smile ear to ear, when no one was watching. For the first time in a very long time, Draco was looking forward to his last class before everyone was dismissed for the winter break. Being in the same room as Hermione was a moment to hold onto over the break, he had to make this right and not make a fool of himself. During the entire Transfiguration class, Draco's attention was elsewhere. He tried to keep it under wraps and not be too obvious, but Hermione turned to grab something from her bag and saw Draco peering into her direction. His heart skipped and before he could shake it off, the class was over and the winter break had begun.

The impatient class trampled out of the room, leaving Draco stuck behind his desk. Something like this usually would tick Draco off, but he kept his temper under check. He took his time packing everything away and stayed a little longer in his seat and let the crowd disperse before he tried leaving the room. When he stood, he was immediately bumped making him get knocked back into his seat. He shot a glace upwards to scold his contact, but his eyes softened when it had been Hermione. Before he could speak, she released a little paper bird and it fluttered Draco's way. She then hurried back towards Potter and the obnoxious, Weasley boy.

He scrambled to catch the enchanted paper and opened it in a hurry. He read her neat handwriting:

After dinner, meet me near the hedges outside of the courtyard. – H.

Draco was ecstatic; a feeling that was very foreign to him. Even though he was scheduled to meet Crabbe and Goyle in the Common Room, he wasn't hesitant on ignoring Hermione's request. As the day grew later, his doubt started to set in deeper. "What if she is there with her two side kick 'friends' and wants to humiliate me? She knows how I feel and will use that against me... I have to proceed with caution and not have any hesitation." He knew Hermione wasn't a back stabber, she was loyal to who she trusted. Did she trust Draco enough to give him loyalty and abandon her loyalty to her best friend, Harry Potter? He tried to comprehend her true motives and put together many outcomes and by the time he was in the courtyard, he failed at coming up with anything logical. Because it hadn't snowed in a couple of days, the temperature was slightly higher, however Draco felt more comfortable with his jacket hood on and hands in his pockets as he searched outside of the courtyard. He peeked around corners to make sure no one was where he was headed and he constantly turned his head behind him to make sure he wasn't being followed.

The paranoia grew inside of him as he got closer toward the hedges. To his disappointment, no one was around the corner. He would have rather had a clan of Gryffindor students standing and pointing at him than being stood up. Blood rushed hard through his veins and it was starting to be the only thing he heard as he paced up and down the stone wall. A tug on his pant leg made him jump. Searching at the ground, he found nothing except a place in the ground that was very uneven with the rest of the snow. Then he heard a call.

"Pst! Down here!" A hand suddenly became visible and grabbed onto Draco's arm and pulled him to sit down. "Here." Draco sat and fiddled with an invisible material that was starting to cover him from the world, but revealed Hermione sitting on the ground. Concern swept his face when he realized he was going to be all wet from the snow; Hermione noticed, "Oh calm down... I enchanted this area so we wouldn't get snow or water all over us. And the cloak is large enough so I am able to let it float a little above us."

"Oh, of course," he was always amazed on how much someone who doesn't have any magical background could learn and succeed in the magical world.

They both finally got situated underneath the Invisibility Cloak and sat cross legged facing each other. Both a little uncomfortable because of each other's presence, neither of them were sure where to start.

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