Where do I begin?

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"What are 'Hogwarts stereotypes'?" You ask?

Well, after many wizards and witches, who attended to Hogwarts, have familiar with the Sorting's Hat rhyme of the 4 famous houses in Hogwarts, most people can assume what are the students' personality like in each houses :

- Gryffindors are meant to be boldest

- Ravenclaws are supposed to be smart

- Hufflepuffs can be expected to be kind

- Slytherins are known to be sneaky...and mean

But after the story of the well-known Hermione Granger, a Gryffindor with a Ravenclaw mind, also the personality of Neville Longbottom, whose was meant to be Hufflepuff, those assumptions have been debunked many times. Now, instead of relying on personality, people assumed the Hogwarts houses will be sort of what "person" they'll be in the future. Now, we all know the Sorting Hat was supposed to look in our inner talent before decide, however the 4 owners have clarified how their creation would benefit a young witch/wizard, I still can't solidify my answer, nor the people outside. Anyways :

- Gryffindors are most likely to be part of the Ministry of Magic, or any other high positions, such as owners or big bosses, like the Weasley twins because they owned a toy store.

- Ravenclaws could be in some researching careers, probably in a teaching positions, Mr.Flipwick and Luna Lovegood are some examples.

- Hufflepuffs can be the most shocking, we can't actually pin-point what the Hufflepuff's graduates' careers have in common. There will have people saying about ordinary jobs like Hannah Abbot as a landlady, others will disagree, saying that Hufflepuffs can actually have really cool jobs like Newt Scamander and Nymphadora Tonks.

- And Slytheri-

"He who shall not be named was a Slytherin!"

"All the people on trial are Slytherins, can we trust this house, at all?"

"If my kid went to Slytherin, she'll be serving "him" as a dementor!"

"We all know Salazar Slytherin only wants pure-blood people! He's a arrogant one, and all Slytherins are like that!"

Well, you get it.

My name is Eugene Lee Yang, 6th year, and I'm a Slytherin.

Also, I hated all of those assumptions.


People always assumes that Slytherin is a mess, even Harry Potter in his first year mumbled that he doesn't want to be a Slytherin.

Draco Malfoy turning neutral and Severus Snape's last action and message are news, sure, but is not enough to prove Slytherin as a whole.

The color green, symbolize progess and balance, came contrast to that animal snake, the one that made Adam and Eve guilty in God's eye, how ironic.

Though Salazar's idea was cruel and unequal, I can relate to his mind wanted to school to be perfect, sadly no one, outside Slytherin and truly smart people, would never believe the voice behind the rage of Salazar.

Hogwarts has been through couple of hundreds,thousands years, and great headmasters like Dumbledore in the "Hogwarts timeline" did not disagree about Slytherin's existence. Is not like everyone in Gryffindor is bold, and determined, and like the chosen one, at all.

Speaking of headmasters...

"Is time for the sorting!"
Headmaster Mcgonagall stood up from the golden chair, her voice is strong and brave, all the first year kids eyes glowed in admiration. Yeah, today is the new school year in Hogwarts, Professor Mcgonagall turned headmaster, the Hogwarts Hall is lit up with endless lighting, knowing that today is a feast for dinner. I'm sitting directly to my friend, Keith, a 3rd year Hufflepuff at the middle tabl-
Oh, Hogwarts made some changes after the great battle between Harry Potter and Voldemort. As much as Hogwarts wanted to be prestigious, they figured that students should get to know each other more. So on big events like Sorting, students in all 4 houses can sit wherever we feel comfortable and with whoever we like. 

"I can't wait to meet the new Puffies!" Keith looked at me, grinning at the kids "Puffies?" I asked, you see, Keith has many nicknames for anything he saw or experienced, and most of them are cringy as hell "Yeah, Puffies!" He laughed, "Sounds cute and childish, right?" He turned around, facing foward "Man, I wish they are all good kids, I'll be telling them the story of how my pants got ripped in my first year, hope they won't embarrassed me!" I chuckled at his comments " Well, I hope that they embarrassed you, then." "Geney!" Keith pouts, I giggled. Ah yes, my friend Keith is 2 years younger than me, and we met on the Hogwarts express when he was a first-year. Man, he was running around to find a non-packed room, but his pants didn't rip until later, however I'm not going to spoil anymore detail, yet.

Keith is a very funny guy that has more jokes than your well-known comedian, special feature? his big ol' mouth. His study stats are okay, but Transfiguration is the above other subjects. He said that he wanted to have Muggle studies in the future, and also planning to join quidditch this year. I'm also wanted join quidditch, but I don't look like someone who wants to join quidditch, especially my dark aura that people keep talking about. 
I'm good at studies, according to my professors. Many Slytherins will dedicated to Potions, but I'm best and super focus on Defense Against the Dark Arts and Magizoology. I know that it's weird and rare to see a brat in green wanted to be between a hero and a animal lover, but I like animals (which is also weird for a brat in green) and Defense Against the Dark Arts is so much cooler then hearing a bunch of letters and boringness in Potions, ain't that right?

Anyways, as Mcgonagal raised her voice in such confident and filled with something like leadership, all the first years are hyped for their new school year. Without hearing, I can tell that they wanted to be in Gryffindor or at least Hufflepuff, I overheard that one of them wanted to be a Gryffindor because he wanted to be a headmaster or Hogwarts in the near future. Come to think of it, many headmasters are in Gryffindor.

I also noticed a girl whispering a song , sounds something like "Slytherin sucks and Ravenclaw rules", I laughed because maybe that kid can be a Slytherin herself

Well, wonder how will this sorting turn out.....

Nedgene in 𝓡𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓪𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓖𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now