The search.......akwardness shined

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Notice: APPEARANCE WISE!!! I wanted to make Try guys and Try wives as young as possible since they are in school in this story, so I would highly reccomend readers to imagine Ned's BUzzfeed appearance in this AU (since it'll be suspicion for a bearded man to go study as a thrid year) the other male characters and female can be imagine in any version since most of the Try Guys people looked quite young.

And I hope the characters are not OOC

Reminder : This story is heavily Eugene's POV, so this chapter is also his POV

I can't believe that I'm doing this

After the incident, it appears like Fulmer has grown closer to me, though I don't understand why he's so attached to me?

Even at the Dinner Hall or anywhere inside Hogwarts that we could meet, he will notice, communicate, joked, studied with me more than Keith or any of his "supposedly" best friends, more than me. It was soon that I realized something was wrong:

 Does Fulmer have feelings for me? Like more than friends? 

To avoid any shoujo-manga stereotypical plot leading, I doubted it at first,  "No way..." I thought, but the idea will always creep back into my head so quickly, and after rethinking more times than I estimated, a lightbulb inside my darkest corner shines up so suddenly. 

It was more evident than any loose detective cases posted by B**ghts*ide.

Just memorize the way he treated and behaved, the way he examined me with his Emerald green eyes, heck, even our first meet-up, when he greeted and asked me for a hi-five rather of a normal handshake.

Though this case wouldn't be solid until I have solid evidence, I couldn't believe that I must do this.

The next day, I proceed to ask the people that were closed to Fulmer, thanks to Vandervoode (ariel's surname before getting married) and my spy technique that I was able to ask a handful of people; my topic was about if Fulmer was easy to fall in love, or what are the signs that he like someone, however, to do this, I must say his real name: Ned, for easy identification. It was uncanny, at first, but the answers are similar:

"Ned? I don't know much...." said a guy with dark skin and straight brown-ish hair and wears a loose Gryffindor tie around his neck, he's supposed to be Gryffindor's  perfect, he's also responsible for Ned's "chaosness" and they had some kind of close relationship as brothers somehow "He's been weird recently, skipping out our common house and things like that; you're also weird, a Slytherin ask about a Gryffindor like that..." he quickly left

"Ned, huh? I think he'll be like any young teens these days, blushing and stuffs, even losing his menly strength" I asked the Gryffindor quidditch team captain, also Ned's coach and frequent saw with him "but I do think that Ned will be super talkitive to one, he's got quite of a social skills, and quite sly too, does Ned got into those school dramas? If so, I have to know!" He laughed, I then got akward.

"Ned Fulmer, I just be-friended with him!" Zachary was the thrid one I asked, he was close in view so I ran up to him "He's a cool guy and we both have something in common! I like him!" Zach grinned and hit me in the back, as a "friendly interaction" "But what if he had interest in someone, I think he'll just come up to them like that, I know that Ned's an open book, he ain't got something to hide" Zach chuckled "so, what did I miss?"

"Ned was someone who you needed to have a closer look before draw conclusions" said  Vandervoode (ariel's surname) "He's funny, quite a troublemaker, intellegent and easy-going at first glance, but even then, he can have his darker personality" she played with her hair for a while, then continued "I supposed that the signs of his interest would be if he was sharing alot of personal information to one, while that person is not his childhood friend like me" That's kind of deep, but I haven't got any personal info about him,..yet.

"Ned? If anything, I just assume that he'll just hang out with them a lot" said Keith, Ned and Keith have been best friends since the day they meet their eyes at Hogwarts, Keith said that Ned had the same humor and rebellious level just like him, they were always paired up if they studied together, "though, Ned can be a lil' bit mysterious, he likes to tease one, but with them knowing that he's teasing them" Keith smiled, pat me on the back "Any more questions, 'Gene?"

"I've been wanting to ask you this....Why didn't you told me about him last 2 years?" I interupted him as soon as he stopped talking, figured something fishy. 

I know Keith like my own mind: Keith is a bright boy who would never hide anything non-suspicious from me, like making new friends; it's uncanny to see that he didn't mention about Ned for 2 years in Hogwarts until now, his thrid year. Keith knew that I don't hate Gryffindors, I just felt like they're overrated and bothersome, so I won't have an opinion on why they are friends.

Keith looked at me, his eyes leveled down to sadness and disappointment, his mouth opened and with effort to say the most quiet sentence, but it wasn't what I would expect, something darker came from his mouth:

"If I told you about Ned earlier, you would kill me later on"



"Anyways, gotta go! Say you at lunch, 'Gene!" Keith hopped to his class a minute after.





Later on, I went on to ask more people; their answer were similar: about not knowing too much about Fulmer, himself. Some of them claimed that he's just an ordinary guy, others said that he could be a bit mysterious, there're no in-betweens. I was loding hope in finding a guy who can give me a better ans-

"He's super terrible in feelings!" A Ravenclaw with slikly brown hair that was styled cartoon-ish laughed at his answer, "I believed that Ned can do much better in Valentine proposing, I also made a document (stablized papers, of course) about Ned's personality and some other "extra-contents" that you'll be willing to read! It;s quite interesting than you think :)" 

"Whattttttt...." I knew Ravenclaws were smart, but I didn;t think one of them will be willing to document their friend's behaviour and personality "Ok, theory man- sorry, you're name is-"

"Matthew Patrick, 4th year Ravenclaw, nice to meet you, Senior Yang" quick-witted, he offered me a handshake "I heard a lot about you from Ned, you're really depressed, aren't you?" 

"did Ned told you about that" I got irritated, Fulmer was talking behind my back, after all.

"You're a funny guy here. Hey! Speaking of Ned's "feelings" I really wanted to demonstrate my "Ned Theory" and since you are interested in his feelings...." Patrick chuckled evilly "Come with me at night, so I can show yo what I was concotioning, you can think myself as a mad scientist after that" He winked, I shuddered.

Oh boy....a crazy guy I just met,................ but is it worth it though? To see his theory...?

I hope this chapter doesn't suck...I was rushed :D

Nedgene in 𝓡𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓪𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓖𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now