Excuse me

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I found this kind of journal on the floor of the Hallway, if I recalled. It was opened and I think somebody left it on the floor, unintentionally of course. I picked the journal up and decided to find somebody to help me find it, unfortunately no useful people came to me, so I am with this journal for the next 2-ish hours on the bench of the Quidditch floor. 

While waiting, I got curious. I am sorry to say this, you can punch me if you like, but I accidentally read your journal; I am sorry, it was just my instinct. While reading it, I was fascinated on your views of "Hogwarts stereotypes", your stories with friends, and I can't believe that you can write an entire day-to-day conversation! It was like a well written biography! 

I do think that your stories can be in some kind of movie, fantasy book or even drama? I recalled the memories while reading this journal, it's like I was in your world and started interacted with you, it's like sort of a deja vu experience! A story wrote by God that had happened! History, that's the word! I was sucked into your words, oh, your inner feelings, your deepest thoughts, I can feel the daily energy from your daily stories! It felt just like a real life based real life movie, is this a interception?

Sorry for being a crazy person in this part, it's just, your words matched my reality so much that I thought that you were making my world, so let me tell you a secret so we will be fair: I also had this "Hogwarts Stereotype" kind of mindset, and haven't been acknowledge by it when I went 2nd year. I thought that everystudent plays a specific, scripted role in the school: how they should match their personality with their house, how they should act, even their own style of clothing! I was a crazy one. I blew my thoughts out of my head to a Ravanclaw friend of mine, we'll call him P. P was beyond fascinated about this philosophy I had, he said:

"My friend, this is something that is like...a rumored loop? From the Potter times, I do think that the school operates the same thing over and over: a protagonist came to school, a crazy school year for them, and then they were crowned hero it's the foundation of Hogwarts history, in fact, it was always like that as I researched. I have an idea, we can work on your craziest mind and call it "The Hogwarts Box"!, sounds cool?"

Sounds lame, and weird, and akward. But anyways, that Hogwarts Box kept me awake for the next years, it creeps me even now! I thought that I was the only one who was crazy enough to thought about this deja vu-labyrinth-loop thingy...until I came across this journal and you, the author, had the same thing as me, I was beyond happy to see someone had in common with me.

I placed this diary in the office, if you have found it. And if you are also interested in this, we could talk during the noon or anywhere creepy and suspicions like the halls during the night or the Slytherin dorm ;) Anyways, I hoped that I could meet someone like you, and also very sorry for reading your journal..

you can punch me in the face if you want to

And also, I knew that you are always so interesting to learn.

Your journal is awesome, Senior Eugene.

From your Gryffindor 3rd year and pro Quidditch player

Ned Fulmer

P.S: call me by "Ned" please, I'm tired of my last name getting called all the time, sounds like I'm getting a detention by some proffessor. 

Nedgene in 𝓡𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓪𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓖𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now