Chapter 4

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Arin's POV

So, last night was interesting and awkward. I had not had that nightmare in a long time and the only time it happened, Hope was there. I was forced to let her know and I wish she didn't. I swore to never speak of the day yet, I had to.

I could tell she needed time to process what I told her. Anyway, I woke up first as always and saw that she was deep into my neck. I could feel her breathing on me. I laughed softly and kissed the top of her head. I wiggled out of her grip and went to my room to change.

After I change, I went to see the twins. I knocked on their door and heard a faint come in. I opened the door and saw the both of them getting ready. "Morning, siphoners", I greeted them and Josie tuned to me first. She got up and hugged me tight. "Hey, babygirl", I tease and she kissed my cheeks.

"Lizzie, I wanted to check on you. How are you?", I ask her. "I'm fine. I feel powered", she answered and I look at her through the mirror in all seriousness. "I'm fine, Arin. Thanks for curing me", she said, honestly and I smiled. "Good to know", I said and she smiled too.

"What about you? How are you feeling?", Josie asked me and I smiled at her. "I'm alright, Josie. It'll leave a scar but I'll survive. I always do", I told her and she hugs me again. "This is so new for you, Jose. Why all of the sudden hugs?", I ask her and she pulled away. "I'm just glad you're okay. We never hang out a lot and I was afraid that we won't anymore", she confessed and I awed her.

"Aww, baby. Come here", I motioned her to hug me again and she smiled into my chest. "Okay, I feel left out", Lizzie frowned and I chuckled, opening my left arm for her to join the hug. "Ah, you both grow up so fast. No matter what happens, I love you both, alright?", I told them and they nod. Since I'm taller than both of them, I kissed their heads and they giggled all together.

Our moment was interrupted when Penelope showed up from the door. "Oh, sorry to interrupted this touching family moment but Dr Saltzman wanted me to gather all students to the main hall. He says it's urgent", she informed and i nod to her while Lizzie glared and Josie just looked hurt.

Just as Penelope was about to walk out she came back and looked at me. "Oh and Arin, I have to talk to you", she says and I nod at her. Once she left, the twins look at me with a questioning look. "Relax, it's not about the two of you. It's about her family. They need my help", I explained and Josie looked curious whol Lizzie muttered a whatever. "Come on, let's get downstairs", Lizzie instructed and we followed.

I saw Hope and sat next to her while the twins took the first row with other witches. "Given our recent influx of monsters, the sheriff and I had decided that we need to take drastic actions. Please give him your fullest attention", he starts off and let's Matt take the podium. "Like Dr Saltzman was saying, local girls, Dayna Lillian and Sasha Staterro didn't come home last night. Dayna sometimes skips town to party but this is the first for Sasha", he finishes and steps away.

"Thank you Sheriff Donavan. While the knife is away with Dorian and things are quite on his end. It won't hurt to assume the worst", I stopped listening and eyeing on MG and Kaleb. Looks like they are having an argument. Wonder if they knew anything about the two girls. I dazed off to Matt and saw him looking at me with a smile. I smiled back and shook my head. He's grown a lot since I last saw him.

"You know the sheriff?", Hope ask beside me and I look at her with a small nod. "He and your aunt Rebekah had quite the history of on and off relationship. He also is Elena's childhood friend so. It was quite entertaining to watch them have their dramas but just like the old gang, they grew up", I explained and she hummed, paying attention to Alaric.

"Now, I need a few of you to volunteer to go to Mystic Falls High under the guise of an exchange program to improve our relations between the schools which unfortunately is necessary give recent events. Now, I give you permission to  compel them, to gather materials for locator spells because any information we can get will make all the difference", Alaric ends and Lizzie stood up.

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