Chapter 21

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Two weeks has passed and I've been sleeping with Nik because Freelin needed time together. We had gathered all we could in who is behind the attacks. These few days made me realise why I loved New Orleans so much. The music, the people and the peace it deserved after the disasters it had been through.

I stood up and took baby Nik with me. I'm sure Freya and Keelin are probably naked since they got the night off from Nik so, I decided I'd bath him and he and I would hang out. After showering and changing Nik and all, I head down to the kitchen and found Davina and Keira there.

"Morning, ladies", I greeted them and Nik cooed. "Good morning, Arin. Hiya, baby Nik", Keira came up to us and took Nik off my hands. Nik became happier and kissed Keira's cheeks. I mean, I don't blame him, everybody loves Keira. I went to help Davina and prepared breakfast for everyone. "Had a good night sleep?", she asks me and I nod. "Yeah, Nik wasn't so fussy so, it was a peaceful night", I responded and she kissed my cheeks.

"Have I ever told you two that I admire you two so much?", I ask the ladies as I place the food on the table. "No, not really", Keira sarcastically teased and I smiled. "Well, I do. You keep me in line but still shower me with love and Keira, you are my queen", I added and they all came around to hug me.

"We admire you too, Arin", Davina says and I smiled to her. "Come in, let's get breakfast before they all come down", she instructed and I helped them take all plates and all the other cutleries. Freya and Keelin were the first I come down then, the boys and last but not least my aunt and Rebekah. "This all looks good", Marcel says and went on to eat it.

"Well, since only Marcel, Rebekah, Kol and Arin are vampire or hybrids and the rest of us are considered human, breakfast isn't so hard to make", Davina spoke to which Kol kisses her cheeks as a thank you. "How's Nik?", Keelin ask and I shrugged. "He's quiet the whole night so, the was no trouble at all but I'm guessing you two had fun?", I put on a slight smirk which made Keelin blush and Freya roll her eyes.

"I mean, they aren't the only people", Kol smirked to which then, Davina smack the back of his head. Alex and Rebekah are being less affectionate than usual. I wonder what's happened. Rebekah suddenly stood up and excused herself. Alex looked at me and sighed lowly. I excused myself as well and caught up with Rebekah.

When I walked out, she was sitting on the bench where Nik and Elijah passed. "Is this seat taken?", I ask her and she looked up at me with a sad smile. "Is Alex giving you trouble again?," I asked and she shook her head. "No, no, just. I didn't agree to what she wants", she answers and I raised an eyebrow.

She giggle at my expression a little. "Your Aunt wants kids but I'm afraid of having them", she confessed. "Oh, I see. Are you afraid about hurting them or the dangers you'll face?", I questioned and move a little closer to her. She scoffed and shook her head.

"It's not that. I want nothing more than to have a normal family now that I'm human but I don't know", she sighs. "Rebekah, remember what Marcel told you about the choices you have. Alex wants kids and you have always dream of having them as well. What's the problem in that? Kids are a blessing. I found Emilia in my darkest moment when the pack is in danger. Nik found Marcel when you had no hope for him and when he lost his mind, Hayley came and told him that he's going to be father", I point out all that we've went through.

"Don't let what Nik did and what we went through be the cause of your fear of having children", I adviced and she smiled at me. A genuine smile for once. "Thank you for that pep talk, luv. You are really one special person", she kissed my cheeks and wrap her arm around my shoulders.

"Well, I'm certainly grateful you are my sire", I told her and she kissed my neck. "Stop that, you know that tickles", I push away and she giggles. "Do you want to head back?", I ask her and she nods. "Does Alex still feel jealous towards me because of what we had?", I curiously ask and she giggled. "Not really but she would never let that go. I know that I was using you at the time but you were a really great companion when I was lonely. And if I'm being honest, the Salvatores are one hell of a lover", she smirked and teased.

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