Chapter 12

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(A/N: Introducing, a new character, Mainne Cross aka Maia Stone-Cross played by Maia Mitchell. Enjoy😜)

Arin's POV

Early morning at 6, I woke up and drove back to the hospital with Maia to get Stefanie. After Ma and Dad signed her out, all of us drove to the Salvatore School to draft the both of them to the school.

I let them do their things while Maia, Stef and I met up with the twins to give them a tour around the school. As we were gonna show them their dorms, Hope ran to me and pulls me aside. "I guess, I'll see you later. Be safe, loves", I shouted as I was pulled by Hope.

Once we reached to Alaric's office, Dorian and Emma were there too. Alaric looked distraught while Dorian looked angry or frustrated while Emma was being Emma, keeping her cool. "You did something bad, didn't you?", I asked Alaric and he nods, guiltily.

I sighed and combed my hair back. "What happened?", I questioned and one by one they answered me and I sat down while taking in the information. "Okay so, any leads on the monsters?", I asked and Alaric took out maps and books of whatever. "I tried swimming back to the river, I couldn't find it", Dorian informed and I nod.

Emma stepped out since she had a class today so. "I've been doing some research for things out of the ordinary. Sand storms, locusts, scorpions and then these attacks?", he look up to me with crazy eyes and I walk up to him. "Okay, Al. You gotta calm down, you're seriously freaking out and I don't need that much stress right now", I told him and he took a deep breath then, settled down.

"Okay, so as I was saying, these causes are mini plagues", he finished off and Dorian sighed. "The river must've swept the urn downstream then these mini plagues are causes of harbingers of whatever monsters for it", he finalised. "They bet on who can get the monsters right this time", Hope buts in and I rolled my eyes as the two grown adults glared at her. "Okay so any plans?", I was getting frustrated to be honest.

"I track it the river flow down and it should be around here", he pointed to the map and I look on it. "Maple Hollows? Well, I've never been there in a while", I chuckled lightly and they all looked at me confused. "I lived there for six months after Mia and made a few friends there too. Here", I took a piece of paper and wrote down a number and a name. "Rayous Oliver?", Alaric reads out. I nod to him.

"She'll help you find what you need. Just say you know me and tell her what you need. She owes me anyway", I told them and they still looked clueless. "Rayous is a were-witch. Nik wasn't the only hybrid around the world", I added and they finally got it. "Wait, you're not coming?", Hope asked and I sighed, nodding. "I need to train Stefanie to control her thrist so she could be in public and Maia her anger. Plus, I've missed too many classes and I'm pretty sure the students missed me", I smirked at the end and they shook their head.

"If you need extra hands, ask the twins and Kaleb. They can help", I suggested then, left the room so they could get ready or whatever. I used my vampire speed to my room and met up with my sister on my bed. I sighed and sat next to her. "What's on your mind, babysis?", I asked and she looked at me with fear written clearly in her eyes.

"Aww, love. Come here", I opened my arms and she snuggled into my chest, wrapping her legs around my waist. "I'm scared, Arin. I don't want to be a monster like Uncle Stefan was or like Dad used to be. I want to be like you, you have it all under control and you act so cool and collective at all times, no matter what he situation is", she confide in me and I kissed the top of her head as comfort.

"Stefy, I'm the real monster. I'm an abomination to nature and wasn't even supposed to exist in the first place. Dad had his thrist controlled, thankfully and he stopped messing with people a long time ago. Way before you were born. Uncle Stefan became the ripper only because he shut his humanity off and dad wasn't there for him but I'm here for you and that's all that matters. If you don't wanna kill, that's okay, we have plenty of blood bags here in my stash. I'll even buy you a mini fridge if you need your own", I exaggerated and she giggled.

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