Chapter 24

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It's been a week since everyone got together. Today is the day my dad and Ma came to Forks. It's starting to be tiring just to explain what's happening and what we're going to do. Leah and I haven't really spend some time alone because I'm always planning our next moves with the Mikaelsons, The Hellhounds and Jacob.

So far, she's been spending time with Emilia and Ashley. Emmet even teased her about going soft because she has a child. He's not that wrong, Jacob always told me that she's a force of Fury. I mean she is or was. Maybe I should talk to her about her about it.

"Arin?", Stefanie calls me out and I turn to her. "I called you a couple times there, you okay?", she asks and I told her I was fine. "Mom and Dad are coming soon, come on", she says and I nod. I told her that I wanted to see Emilia and Leah first. She hugs me and then, left to join the others. I walk to my room that I share with Leah but she wasn't here so, I went to Emilia's room.

I knock on her door and saw the two look at me. Emmy runs to me and hugs me tight. "Hey kiddo. Your grandparents will be here soon. Why don't you head downstairs and find Ashley?", I ruffle her hair and she look at me with a playful galre but ended up giving me a kiss on the cheeks. She ran back and hugs Leah before leaving the room.

"Hey", she greets me and I sat next to her. I place my hand on her cheeks and pull her into a kiss. She kiss me back but then, put a hand on my chest and pull apart. "What's that for?", she asks and I shrug. "Everyday is getting harder, I just want to remind you that I love you in case you think that I never thought about you or Emmy", she smiles at me and pull me in for another kiss.

Each kiss is heaven to me. How everytime I taste her, her lips are soft and I could taste the strawberry peach lip balm she always use. When she smiles into the kiss, I pause for a moment as our eyes bore into one another. She brought her hand onto my cheek and brush them lightly. "I love you too, Arin Salvatore", she whispers, only for us to hear.

I took her hand that was on my cheek and kiss her knuckles lightly which made her giggle. "I want to give you something", I brought up and turn around to take out a small box. I turn back to face her and show her the box. "Are doing what I think you are doing?", she gasps and ask. I shook my head and let out a small chuckle.

"No, my love. Our engagement will be way more romantic that this. This is a gift", I hand it over to her and she opens it. Her eyes twinkle just a little bit as she saw the gift.

 Her eyes twinkle just a little bit as she saw the gift

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"The ring is a moon ring. If you look inside, luna muem is engraved into it. That is so that you remember that you are my moon, forever and always. The necklace is the same as mine. Just something the alpha want you to have. If you wear it now", I take out the necklace and she turns around. "It's glows blue which means, you are protected. If it glows red then, you'll know danger is around you and that will link to me so I'll know if you're in danger or not", I explain to her.

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