Chapter 9

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ran out of class sadly as the bell rang. I started getting angry who would do such a thing to my sweet little aria. When i find out who did it i swear i will hurt them slowly and really painfully.

   I quickly got out of class and made my day in the other classes i had until it was time for lunch. When the bell rang i quickly scanned the hallway to see if i could find Ariaty anywhere. I made my way into the cafeteria and looked at the lunch table were i first saw her sitting alone but she wasent there. 

(Ughhh where can she be?) I thought as i walked out of the cafeteria to search for her. Then i heard some laugher down the hall and followed it. Right at the corner of the hallway i saw a huge guy i suppose was a  jock giving Ariaty one more kick to the stomach and left laughing with his group.

   "Oh my god aria are you ok?!!!" I quickly got down to her side seeing her couch up blood and holding her stomach. I stared at her confused why isent she crying or whimpering.

"I-im ok... dd-dont w-worry im fine.. n-nothing i can h-handle." She said as she slowly holding herself against the locker and slowly getting up.

   Flinching a bit as she did, "Bull crap aria your really hurt." I helped her walk to the nurse to get her checked.

As we walked in the nurse looked up and sighed getting up and walking over to us, "Again Ariaty, oh dear young man help her lay down on the bed."

   I softly layed aria down on the bed as the nurse got out some things and walked over to Ariaty. "H-hey Mrs. T-t hows i-it going?" Aria asked mrs. T flinching a bit as she softly laughed.

   "Ariaty its not good that you get this hurt again everyday its not good for your health. You know that dear." I watched as the nurse cleaned up her dry blood and a alot of cuts. "Wait wait this happened before?!" I asked shocked and inside i just felt pissed off.
     All Ariaty did was look ashamed hiding her face looking away. The nurse sighed after finishing, "Yes young man. Shes been getting hurt so many times like this but she refused to tell me or anyone who it is doing this to her. All i can to is clean her wounds and give her pain killers for the pain." The nurse said as she finished up cleaning up Ariaty, "Your free to leave now and Ariaty dear try not getting hurt anymore alright?" Ariaty just noded her head as we both walked out of her office.
    I firmly grab aria's arm and turned her around facing me, "Aria why did you run of when we got here. And was it those jocks that did this to u this morning as well?" I wait for her to reply.
  "I ran off because i dont want people hurting you here like they do to me. And yes but only the head jock of the school did." Aria said queitly looking down as if she was ashamed of it. Thats when i pulled her into a hug she was tense for a minute but relaxed, "i promise they'll all leave you alone from now one count my word for it aria." I whispered softly to her. ( i won't let aria get hurt again not on my watch.) I thought as i let her go.
  "What about if we just ditch the rest of the day and go to Starbucks. Wha do u say aria." I looked at her amazing eyes and waited for her answer. She started to grin like a goof and nodded her head. With that i grabbed her hand as we skipped away down the hall and out the door.  *Haha dont judge kinda gay xD but oh well*
   Running to my car we dumped our things in the back seat and hopped right in front and drove our way to the god tastes of coffee heaven.
     "hey aria after we drink our amazing coffee do you wanna hang at my place or naw?" I asked her as i kept my eyes on the rode and took a few glances at her from time to time. She made her cute thinking face and took a second to asnwer. "Sure!! I got nothing better to do anyways might as well." Aria said smiling as she played with her fingers in her lap.
  I smiled as we pulled into the parking lot to Starbucks. When we stopped aria quickly took off her seat belt and jumped out the car closing the door quickly as she made her way to the smell of coffee. (Haha this girl sure love caffeine.) I thought grinning as i followed right behind her.
   Aria was standing in like staring up at the types of coffees with a huge smile on her face. I shook my head laughing a bit at her sudden change of pure happiness. When it was our turn to order i order a medium vanilla frappachino and Aira ordered a large mocha frappachino. When we got out yummy drinks aria quickly took a sip of hers as she injoys her drink. When she pulled away there was whip cream on her nose.
   Taking out my phone i pointed it at aria, "Say cheese Ariaty." Aria smiled when i took the picture of her. "Haha i think you should get that whip cream off ur nose aria." I watched as she stuck out her tounge trying to reach her the tip of her nose.
    Laughing watching her attempt go get it off for a minute i just cleaned it off with my thumb smirking as she playfully glared at me. "Haha come aria let go." I grabbed her hand and pull her to the exit to my car. And making our way to my house to hang out with out yummy frappachinos and arias almost all got. (This girl just really loves caffeine. She almost tryed stealing mine.) I thought smiling while staring at the rode.


Lol finally got to this chapter was stuck reading a book.

Well we'll see what happens in the next chapter coming up. I promise it wont take long this time!! Thanks for reading!!  ^~^

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