The One I've Been Waiting For

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Chapter 1

Ariaty's POV.

About 6:30Am in the morning my alarm clock goes off


" Ahhhh what the" I fall out of my bed and get tangeled in my bed sheets. "ugh stupid alarm!"

Reaching up and slamming my hand onto it so that infernal beeping would stop, "shut up already im up god!" i shouted at my clock. On the tenth attempt of trying to find the snooze button the beeping finally stopped.

-sighing- I untangeled myself from my sheets got up and stretching. (Another same old day) I name is Ariaty Olson I'm a 15 years old I have long black hair with blue highlight and green eyes.

I started putting on my school uniform it was an almost short black and blue skirt and a white tight shirt.

Walking down stairs with my books I go through the kitchen where my mom , my sister Jane, and my big brother Max were at. "morning ugly." max said while shoving bacon into his big mouth. 

"Ohh shut the fuck up you pig!" I snapped at him and with that I left before he could even say a word. My mom didn't even say anything to me I know that I'm unwanted at home but I got no where to chill so I have to stay in this hell hole.

Grabbing my skate board i start to skate my way to school. I don't like taking the bus and I don't even know how to drive yet but I loved to skate board. Even tho I'm a girl I like skating it's not only for dudes it's for us to....

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