Chapter 1

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So, welcome the 2nd Book of My Fate Series!

Huge shout out to the people who have read the first!

And continued to the 2nd!

You guys are awesome!




Morrigan ran and jumped over a fallen tree that was in her way. 

She was breathing heavily, and her legs were ready to give out. 

She didn't want to risk glancing behind her.

It had been almost a year since she had met Ghastly and the others.
A year since she had made friends.
Real friends.
A year since she had found out who she really was.
A year since Sebastian, a vampire who had kept her captive and tortured her for many, many years, had finally caught up with her.
She had, had two run ins with Sebastian's vampires, but they hadn't bothered her since.
The last two months they had started coming out of the woodwork.

She tripped, landed on her hands and flipped herself back upright. She kept running. 

As soon as she was out of the woods, she would be able to get him.

She spun behind a tree and flattened herself against the trunk. The vampire blurred past and she breathed out steadily.

"Need a hand?"

Morrigan looked up and grinned. 

She had met Fletcher Renn through Valkyrie. She and Fletcher had become friends quickly, as she learned he could act as silly as her sometimes. He was always wanting to laugh. That, and she enjoyed being able to teleport wherever they liked, whenever they were bored.

She took her daggers out of her jacket pocket and reached for his hand. 

She blinked and she was falling towards the vampires back. She held a dagger in each hand, pointed them inwards.

She landed on the vampires back as it broke through the tree line. She slammed the daggers into either side of the vampire's neck and twisted. 

Vampire roared and started to slow down. Morrigan kept her grip on the daggers.

The vampire finally dropped and slid a few metres in the dirt.

Morrigan switched hands on the daggers and dragged them through the vampires' flesh towards the back of its neck. She couldn't help grinning.

She pulled the daggers out and jumped off the creature.

"Was that entirely necessary?"

Morrigan smirked and kicked the vampires head. It came off and rolled away.

"Of course not. Not entirely anyway." She shrugged. "Better off taking my anger out on them."

"I don't think that's how it's supposed to work."

She turned to Fletcher. She shrugged again. "Ok, I'll admit it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside."

She looked at the dead vampire again, wiped the blood off the daggers in its corpse and put them back in their pockets.

"You're a freak, you know that."

Morrigan grinned. "Absolutely."

"Do you want to go home yet? That's the third vampire tonight."

Her grinned faded.

She was tired but she was also riled up. A bad combination.

She sighed. "Fine I'll go back to Gordon's. If I can't sleep, I can always put loud music on, I guess. Not the same, but it'll work."

She looked at Fletcher.

"I know, I know." He said. "Not a word to Valkyrie or Skulduggery." He crossed his heart.

Morrigan smiled at him. "Good."

He touched her shoulder and they were in Gordon's kitchen. Fletcher pointed to the fridge. "Food."

She didn't feel hungry, but she did as he said. She found some left over spaghetti and started eating that.

She looked up to see him staring at her. 

She frowned. "What?"

"You seriously need to deal with your anger."

"Oh. Is that all? Yea, I know." She finished eating and put the bowl in the sink. "So, where are you going now?"

Fletcher shrugged. "I'll find somewhere. You need to sleep."

"I'm going to have a shower, then bed." She made a face. "I smell like vampire."

He laughed. "Alright, I'll see you." She waved and he disappeared.

She walked into the lounge-room and stopped. 


"So that's what you've been doing."

She hadn't seen Skulduggery for a few days. She shifted her feet uncomfortably.

"On the upside, I haven't been bitten." She held out her arms and grinned.

He crossed his arms in front of him.

She dropped her arms. "At least I know I can take them now. My goal is Sebastian, obviously, though. Anton's still training me, when he's here. I can control my powers better, and I have wings in case I get into trouble."

"You dragged Fletcher into your secret night hunts."

Morrigan clicked her tongue and shook her head. "No. He just happened to catch me out one night, and now occasionally he shows up. I don't make him do anything."

"What about Anton? Does he know how you've been using his training?"

She hesitated. "I didn't think he would appreciate knowing that, no."

Skulduggery nodded and sighed. "You need a better pass time than hunting vampires."

Morrigan walked past him and up the stairs. 

He followed. 

"If you have any ideas, I'm all ears, but just so you know, I actually enjoy it."

"I can see that."

She looked down and saw a big patch of blood on her jacket. "Ah. Right." She grinned, then stopped. "I may enjoy it a little too much." She admitted.

"Uh huh. You're coming to the Sanctuary with us tomorrow."

She stopped at the bathroom door and turned. "What? Why?"

"You need to meet a few people."

Morrigan narrowed her eyes. "Why?" She said it slowly. She still didn't feel comfortable around a lot of people and especially people she didn't know.

"Because it'll be good for you."

"Why do I have to meet them at this thing? Why can't we just invite them around for coffee, like normal people."

"You're going."

She didn't change her expression. "Fine, but I'm wearing this."

He looked at her for a minute, tapping his chin. "Scrub the blood off. You need to leave a good first impression." He turned and walked away.

"You annoy me." She called.

"I know."

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