Alberto's Dilema Aftermath Part 2

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At June's grand jury hearing the courtroom was filled with witnesses who saw first hand the physical and verbal abuse he had endured at the hands of the deceased.  His lawyer spoke on his behalf, as he stood silent with his head down looking at the handcuffs hoping it was all a dream, but it wasn't.  Both his parents were in the courtroom as well as his uncle, little sister and his neighbor, who was present when he shot and killed Terror.  Upon hearing his name being called he stands up and follows the court officers instructions.  "Your honor my client is also a victim having been abused habitually by the deceased throughout his school years.  There are students, teachers and staff members all here to corroborate his abuse claims.  They are all willing to testify on his behalf your honor.  The deceased had an extensive criminal history with numerous arrests for assault, robbery, possession with intent to distribute, to name a few your honor.  He is also a well known gang member, who terrorized several students including the defendant, at will.  He and his gang are responsible for two stabbings as well as numerous scuffles at the school.  Your honor, he is known by his street moniker of King Terror the savage, which explains why we're are all gathered in court today.  After this hearing is concluded with all the facts presented the jury will see and understand why my client did what he did, it is obvious that this case is based on self defense as my client fought for his life.  Mr. Morales also sustained multiple stab wounds at the hands of the deceased.  We are prepared and ready to proceed your honor.  The state's allegation that this was premeditated is correct, however not by mine. King Terror's action were in fact premeditated.  Attacking a person in their place of residence is clearly a calculated and thought out plan he followed through on.  Your honor we have three witnesses here in the courtroom that were present on the scene and witnessed everything that unfolded that night." 

June hearing his lawyer mention the witnesses made him feel a little more relaxed, feeling like you have a fighting chance for your life.  As he surveys the courtroom he's left stunned and surprised that there were a couple of members of Terror's gang present as well.  Nitty whose real name was Joseph just stared in his direction with a menacing look, the look of a man that was getting ready to commit a violent act, right now.  Another member just smiled while pointing in June's family's direction while making a gun gesture with his hand.  "Your honor my client was immediately placed in protective custody.  While being detained on Rikers Island, once the word spread that Mr. Morales was responsible for Terror's death, he essentially became a dead man walking.  He's not safe in any building on Rikers Island." 

June couldn't let the gang members in the court know he was scared, so he simply whispered in his lawyers ear and alerted him to what he just saw and asked that he notify the family that they are in harm's way.  Aside from what was transpiring, he was extremely disappointed to not see Alberto or Luis in the courtroom after so many years of friendship. Numerous memories went rushing through his head as his freedom and life hanged in the balance, he would never have imagined things would turn out like this, him facing a beast all by himself, none of them had ever been in trouble with the law before. To be facing a murder rap for your first offense doesn't bode well and he knew it, he also knew there was the possibility of getting bail, even if he made bail he was in too deep without reasonable doubt.  His parents have decent paying jobs, but he wasn't sure if they could come up with the money to get him out.  Maybe that's why his uncle was there, because they didn't have a strong bond or relationship, he mostly saw his family during the holidays or the occasional birthday parties.  Either way, he needed all the help he could get right about now and his uncle could provide that help, with his wallet. 

He was snapped out of his daze by hearing his name being mentioned by the court officer  "Mr. Morales would you please approach the stand?" Once on the stand he was asked  "do you swear to tell the truth, nothing but the truth and only the truth? Do you solemnly swear?"  June responded with a simple "I do."  June's attorney began his questioning with "How do you and the deceased know each other?" "We've known each other since elementary school" "And how would you describe your relationship?" "Besides sharing grandparents we had none, Terror and his buddies would constantly target me and my pals with verbal and physical abuse, sir he has made my nose bleed on several different occasions.  I have two stab wounds from the night I defended myself against Terror which resulted in his death. Sir if I didn't grab the gun he pulled out, he would of used it on me." "1985 Jordan Avenue, are you familiar with that address Mr. Morales?"  "Of course that's the home I share with my parents, I mean my parents home, where I live, sir."  The district attorney quickly objects to which the judge sides with him by ruling "Objection sustained"

June's lawyer quickly apologizes to the judge and proceeds with his next question.  "So Mr. Terror basically came to your residence and attacked you, sort of like it was premeditated?" "Objection your honor" yelled the district attorney, while grabbing some papers from his folder.  "Objection overruled, this is precisely what transpired that night, from the documents I'm reading in front of me Mr. Hewitt."  "With all due respect your honor my client is dead and cannot give his accounts of what took place or give us his version of it either." June's lawyer chimed in saying "Well your honor that is why we have these two gentlemen here as well as these lovely ladies, awaiting their turn to have their voices heard, all on behalf of my client Mr. Morales."  "We will hear from them in due time, however now is time for a recess and we will proceed with the hearing in fifteen minutes, this will allow you to get your witnesses and questions ready."  They both agreed and the court was adjourned. "We will return to session in fifteen minutes" as the judge slammed the gavel.

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