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Jisung walks home in deep thought, as always.

Ever since Seungmin fell for Hyunjin, Jisung would walk home alone like he did before he met Seungmin.

Jisung hated but loved being alone.

He wanted to feel loved but also didn't want anyone to pity him.

Jisung just put in his earphones and started playing I'm Ok by iKON

The song was depressing and sad so Jisung felt like he could relate to this a lot.

Especially the chorus

I'm OK
Don't comfort me
You don't have to have pity on me
You don't have to stay with me, I'm fine
I'm OK
Don't worry about me
You don't have to mind about me
I'm used to be alone
I'm OK

Jisung looked to his right and saw people from his school walking together happily

Jisung looked to his left and saw a happy couple walking their dog

Everywhere around him, he saw happy teenagers.

The only one who stood out was him.

He was alone and wasn't smiling.

He had a dark aura.

Jisung started to tear up.

He hated this.

He hated everyone.

He hated his life.

He hated himself.

Jisung ran home with tears running down his face.

Once he got to his front yard, he immediately froze.

There was a car in the driveway.

Not just any car, but his fathers car.

Jisung began panicking, looking around to see if there was anywhere else to go.

He didnt want to go home.

But where else would he go?

Seungmin wasn't an option anymore.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." Jisung cursed at himself as he felt dizziness take control of him.

Jisung ran away from the house.

He drunkenly ran to the park.

His head began to hurt and his eyes began to turn the color black.

Jisung couldn't stand properly so he tried to find something to hold on to.

But nothing was there.

His eyes shut closed and wouldn't open.

"Jisung.. JISUNG..." A voice in the background called out from him.

Jisung collapsed to the ground, unable to move.

He couldn't breathe, his mind was pitch black.

He felt as if his head was just stabbed.

Jisung started crying on the inside.

Then a deep demonic voice spoke inside of his head

' Its time to show you how it really feels to be a devil '


- Seungmin -

Seungmin was walking home happily from his date with Hyunjin.

He was beyond happy.

He felt as Hyunjin was the love of his life and no one could have took that spot.

As he walked by the park, he saw a boy with a black hood desperately struggling to stand.

Seungmin thought that the boy was drunk and so he didnt pay much attention to him until he caught a glimpse of Jisung's face.

Seungmin ran towards him.

Seungmin called out his name as Jisung collapsed to the ground.

"Holy shit!" Seungmin yelled and ran to Jisung.

He shook the skinny boys body and yelled his name hoping he would wake up.

Seungmin started crying.

"Seungmin?" Seungmin turned around and saw Hyunjin with a worried face.

"Baby why are you crying?" Hyunjin asked

"J-jisung.." Seungmin said

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow

"What about Jisung?"

"H-he collapsed look!"

Seungmin turned back around and Jisung was out of sight.

Seungmin's eyes went wide as he got up quickly and backed away from where Jisung's body was at.

"I-I swear he was just-"

"Babe lets go to my house okay? We can get you something to drink and you can rest-"

"Hyunjin I swear he was just right there!"

"Seungmin.. sweetie.."


Hyunjin pulled Seungmin into a hug.

Seungmin cried and pulled on Hyunjins shirt.

"Lets go back to my house and rest. Okay?"

Seungmin nodded.

For the rest of the day, all Seungmin could think about was Jisung and Jisung only.


The real shit is about to start.

I'm pretty sure yall can see whats going on

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