Hyunlix (extra chapter)

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Felix woke up, facing Hyunjin while Hyunjin's arms and legs were wrapped around him.

Last night was probably the most magical night Felix had ever had.

Looking at Hyunjin, he couldn't describe his emotions. He felt so... happy. He felt the pang of heart break slowly disappear as he stared off at the sleeping beauty in front of him.

'why do I feel this way. Yes I like him but..why do I feel like its more than me liking.' Felix thought to himself as he softly rubbed Hyunjin's cheeks with his thumb.

"Lixie?" Hyunjin grumbled as he slowly opened his eyes, making eye contact with the younger.

"Lixie you're so beautiful..." Hyunjin whispered as he leaned in closer to Felix.

Hyunjin had kissed Felix passionately. Then it hit Felix.

He had fell in love, and he fell hard. His heart was beating fast uncontrollably and his stomach had felt like butterflies were flying around inside.

How could he had fell in love so quick? To be honest, no one knows. Maybe it was the may Hyunjin treated him, or the way the older showed his love to him last night. Or maybe....maybe, it was his past feelings for the taller coming back.

"Felix... Be my boyfriend." Hyunjin whispered as he pulled back from the kiss, placing his forehead onto Felix's.

Felix just nodded, wanting to cuddle Hyunjin some more until his goat ran into the room.

"yOh yOh yOh yOh yOh." The goat jumped on the bed and lays down in between the two boys.

The goat scans his eyes over Hyunjin before rubbing his small head on Hyunjin's chest.

Felix chuckled, petting the goats body.

"She likes you." Felix said before looking up at Hyunjin with his big doe eyes.

Hyunjin smiled before pecking Felix's lips and looking down at Raven.

Raven, who had her head laying on his chest, was looking up at Hyunjin with pouty eyes.

"Awww she is so cute~" Hyunjin said before petting her

Felix chuckled before noticing the time.

"Jinnie we should get ready for school." Felix said

"Mmm I dont wanna go~" Hyunjin whined

"We have to. We are already late!" Felix said, crossing his arms.

"Alright Alright. Lets go."


The two boys didnt even bother to change into their school uniform, as the wore (imagine at the top) and walked to school in each others arms.

They didn't want to let go, but did they have to? No. So they didn't

"Hey Felix-" Jisung paused as he saw Felix holding Hyunjin's hands.

"What the fuck is this?" Vernon gasped as Jisung cursed.

"No cursing!" Hwang hit him lightly.

"Explain." Jisung said while crossing his arms

"I- Umm." "We are together. I'm his boyfriend." Hyunjin said confidently

Jisung looked pissed. Minho came over with all his friends with a smile. But when he saw Jisung's face, his smile disappeared.

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