23 - Epilouge

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[One Week Later]

Minho and Jisung had been closer than ever since their first date.

He stopped hanging out with the cheerleaders, although that was kinda hard because Changbin and Alicia had started dating, which broke poor little Felix's heart.

"Felix stop crying over him please I know its hard-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU WHORE YOU DONT KNOW HOW IT FEELS!" Felix yells as he throws a pillow at Hyunjin's head.

Hyunjin sighs before grabbing Felix's hand.

"Don't cry over someone who hurt you like that." Hyunjin rubbed Felix's smol hand

Felix raised an eyebrow.

"How about Seungmin? You cheated on him. Your such a hypocrite." Felix scoffed

Hyunjin chuckled

"That was the only way to get him to break up with me."

Felix raised an eyebrow.

"what are you talking about?"

"You see. You all thought that I was such a horrible person because I cheated on him. Well he did it first. I found him with a cheerleader the day I was gonna take him on a surprise date. I bought plushies, roses, chocolates, day6 albums, everything. I text him I was coming over that day. I went to his house and his mom answered the door. His mom knows we are together and she supports it but what she said next broke my heart..."

Felix eyes soften as he say tears spilled out Hyunjin's eyes and run down his handsome face.

"She said that she thought me broke up. And I asked why. She said 'Because she saw him with a girl in his room and they-' " Hyunjin let out a dry chuckle.

"Lets just say, sadly I wasn't the one to take his virginity." Hyunjin cried as Felix pulled him into a hug.

"I didn't believe her. Until I snuck upstairs and saw them with my own eyes. I ran out the house crying and went to the nearest bar. I saw Chan there crying. I asked him what was wrong. He said that his mom passed away. So he was drunk as fuck. And I was drunk as fuck. And you do stupid things when your drunk. I regret it so much, although I got hurt by him first, I want him back." Hyunjin cried as Felix lifted Hyunjin's chin.

"Don't cry Hyunjinnie.."

"But... I'm such a whore. You're right. I am a whore. I'm worthless and dumb, I should have just confronted them and broke up with but instead I drink, which I quit ever since I started dating Seungmin and he even chose me over Jisung and I-"

Hyunjin got cut off by a finger placed on his lips.

Felix lifted his chin some more, making the two connect high contact.

"Don't say that. You don't deserve him Jinnie."

But Hyunjin didn't hear what he said, he was too focused on the beauty that was in front of him.

The beauty that got heart broken by one of his bestfriends, the beauty that he fell for a long time ago but tried to erase those feelings by dating girls and hoeing around. Trying to make sure those feelings disappeared because the one he fell for had already went to another man.

He forgot about those feelings, but now, looking into the beautiful brown orbs that the other boy that he fell for had, those emotions and feelings came back in a heartbeat.

Felix, who seemed to be hypnotized by Hyunjin's eyes, leaned in closer to the older.

Hyunjin fluttered his eyes closed as he felt the youngers lips pressed against his own.

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