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This chapter may have a slight inappropriate scene so um... HEHEH 


Jisung woke up in a dark room. 

He was heavily breathing and had dried up tears on his face. 

There was only one light in the room and the light shined on him. 

He was currently on a bed. 

"Woah your pretty." A dark and deep voice said 

Jisung raised a eyebrow surprised by the sudden compliment. 

"W-who are you?" Jisung managed to say 

The voice chuckled, and started walking towards the boy. 

The one with the voice stepped into the light, so Jisung could see him clearly. 

He looked very young. 

Probably around Jisung's age.  

His eyes were black and his teeth were pearly white. 

He had black horns on top of his head and black wings. 

"The name is Vernon." He stuck out his hand. 

Jisung accepted and shook Vernons hands. 

They were cold and rough. 

"I can see you dont have the best life." Vernon spoke while reaching down and brushing Jisung's hair away from his eyes. 

Vernon smiled down at the boy. 

"Your really really pretty." Vernon complimented 

Jisung felt his cheeks turn the shade of red. 

"Thank you.." 

Jisung couldn't lie, the boy was handsome. 

Like really handsome. 

Vernon sat across from Jisung then stared deeply into his eyes. 

"I've seen that your father rapes you and abuses you.... and you get bullied."

Jisung nodded while looking down.

Vernon gently grabs his chin and faces it towards him again. 

"Don't be embarrassed by it. My mother sold me to some kind of sex dealer or something when I was only 10." Vernon caressed the smaller boys cheeks. 

"I don't know what it is about you but... you don't deserve to go to hell. Not like me" 

Jisung was confused on what the fuck was going on. 

"Go to hell?" 

Vernon smiled 

"Well.. your supposed to be here to go to hell. I've never sent someone back to the human world. But you.." 

Vernon trailed off 

"You see.... your precious and innocent self is still in you. Its still holding you down. But what if I could replace that with a devil's soul. You would be 10 times stronger." 

Jisung honestly wasnt so sure about the idea. 

But he wanted to try it. 

"What would I have to do?" Jisung asked 

Vernon smiled 

"Nothing.. I would just have to steal your first kiss.." Vernon got closer to Jisung.

Jisung could feel Vernon's cold breath against his lips. 

"You decide what you want babe." 

Jisung thought about it, not sure of what to say. 

Jisung wanted to be strong, he wanted to be able to scare people away. 

He wanted to be powerful.

Jisung smirked. 

"You decided sweetheart?" Vernon asked 

Jisung nodded. 

"Make me powerful Vernon." 

⚠️ Slight Warning Hoes 

Vernon smirked as he pulled Jisung into his lap. 

Jisung giggled and wrapped his arms around the other boys shoulders. 

Vernon looked into the boys eyes before closing the gap between them. 

The kiss was slow and passionate. Vernon's lips were cold but addicting. He loved the way they felt against his. 

Vernon's hands went down to Jisung's waist and pulled him closer. The older boy groaned into the kiss as he felt Jisung pull on his hair. 

Vernon slapped Jisung's thigh causing Jisung to gasped for air. He took that as an opportunity and slipped his tongue in Jisung's mouth. 

The two were fighting for dominance and of course Vernon won. 

Although it was only supposed to be a kiss, Jisung wanted more. 

He wanted to feel more of Vernon and experience more before he went out back to the real world. 

Jisung tugged on Vernons shirt, signalling Vernon to take it off. 

He smirked into the kiss before pulling away and taking his shirt off. 

He flipped the position so that Jisung was now below him. 

They broke apart, panting and looking into each others eyes. 

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Vernon asked concerned for the younger. 

Jisung smiled and nodded. 

"I'm sure." 

Vernon smirked before pulling off Jisung's shirt and pulling him into another kiss. 

And the rest goes down in history. 




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