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Changbin slammed his fists on the table, irritated by the fact that Felix was with another.

Currently, it was lunch time and the boys were glaring over at Jisung and Felix.

Minho felt this feeling of jealousy bubble in his gut, gritting his teeth every time would smile or laugh at a joke that Vernon had made.

"Ya'll need to calm the fuck down. You guys don't even like them. Why are you so angry?" Seungmin complained

"Babe~" Cafe Girl came and sat on Minho's lap.

Usually, Minho would immediately wraps his arms around her, but not today, not right now. He was too frustrated. But then again, why is he upset? He's never been in such bad mood, but whenever he sees Jisung with that handsome "jerk", he hasn't been feeling so happy. More jealous and anger than flirting and hoeing around.

"Minho hyung." Jeongin says, as he stabs a fork into the table aggressively.

Minho looked at the fork, which was stuck in the table, with wide eyes.

"What Jeongin." Minho averted his eyes to the younger.

"If you fucking like Jisung so much, stop getting so fucking moody and ask him on a date. Sitting over here, obviously angry and jealous, while having some Cafe bitch in your lap isn't gonna make him yours. So fucking pull yourself together, get that bitch off your lap, stop being a pussy, ask the fucking squirrel out."

Everyone's conversations at the table stopped. Everyone looked at Jeongin with wide eyes, as if that was the most craziest thing he's ever said.

"I-I don't like him." Minho stutters

Jeongin laughs

"Alright then. I'll take him. He's cute." Minho stood up, causing the Cafe Girl to fall off his lap, and slammed his fists on the table.

"He's mine." Minho growls

"What makes you think you deserve him?" Jeongin starts

Minho gulps.

"You fucking got a chance to hang out with him and went to a cafe together. Then this fucking bitch comes over and practically rapes you with her eyes and when Jisung is distracted, you go to the bitch and make out with her. Jisung looks back, expecting you to be there, but then he sees you with the waitress, fucking shoving tongues into each others mouth. By the way it looked, Jisung looked sad. So he calls over Felix and hangs out with him. You missed your chance because you decided to hoe around. So what makes you deserve him again?"

Minho sighs and groans.

He pulls his hair as he stressing.

"Fuck!!" Minho yelled and flipped the table, causing the food to fly off the table.

"YO WHAT THE FUCK MAN I WAS EATING!" Hyunjin yelled with apple sauce all over his face and eyes.



"MINHO WHERE YOU FUCKING AT IMMA KILL YOU." Huunjin yelled, cutting off Woojin, and moved his arms around, trying to search for Minho who was the opposite way of where Hyunjin was going.

"HA! I FOUND YOU" Hyunjin said as he touched a body


"OOPS" Hyunjin grabbed the cup of apple sauce that was on the ground and threw it the other direction. Hoping it would hit Minho. And it did.

Apple Sauce got all over his face and he couldn't see at all.

"YOU FUCKER! WHERE YOU AT." Minho yelled and started searching for Hyunjin

"Ahhhh" Hyunjin ran in whatever direction he ran.

Minho followed the scream.

"AHHHH-" Minho screamed as he tripped on one my the chairs.


As he was above to hit his head on the wooden table, his body had stopped mid-air.

"Wh-Whats going on? AM I FLOATING?!? OMG IM IN HEAVEN!" Minho yelled

All the boys stepped back from his floating body.

"Hes FUCKING POSSESSED." Chan yelled

"No he's not." Jisung chuckled, walking passed them with two fingers held out.

Jisung lifted his fingers more, making Minho body be placed back on his feet.

Jisung put his fingers down before grabbing a napkin and wiping the apple sauce off his nose, making Minho flinch from the sudden contact.

"Calm down." Jisung said while wiping the apple sauce of his cheeks, forehead, lips, chin, and then eyes.

Minho held Jisung's arm while Jisung cleaned the apple sauce off the eyes carefully, making sure not to poke Minho in the eyes.

Minho fluttered his eyes open and he swear he saw an angel.

Jisung, standing in front of him, with cute bigs eyes, a soft smile, and red cheeks.

Minho was in his own world, staring at the younger.

Jisung's cheeks turned even pinker when he made eye contact with Minho.

Minho snapped out of his zone (Stan 3RACHA) before looking at Jeongin, who was behind Jisung, and gulping nervously with red cheeks.

Jeongin mouthed 'do it' to Minho before wiggling his eyebrows.

Minho sighed and smiled before staring at Jisung, who was staring at him, in the eyes.

"U-Uh Jisung.." Minho stuttered.

Jisung squeaked out a yes.

"Do you uh.. do you wanna go out on a date tomorrow night?" Minho said hoping the boy will say yes.

Jisung had to think. Minho, the school's beautiful playboy, asking him out on a date.

Jisung didn't want to turn down his crush because he had imagined his day come for awhile now.

Jisung smiled and nodded, making the older eyes go wide and smile widely.

Minho jumped up and down happily and letting out a few squeals. Then looked into Jisung's eyes again.

Thats when guilt came in. He remembered.

He remembered the time when he would hurt the younger. Bully, abuse, all of that.

He felt his heart drop as he remembered the times he made the younger cry.

And now, Jisung wasn't the one in tears.

But it was Minho. He felt guilty and despised himself for his past actions.

Only if he knew back then,
That the boy he once hated, was the boy he ended up loving.


This book only had a few more chapters left!

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