new boi

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School is about to start and a new boy comes to town, no one knows his name, he doesn't want people to know his name.

Iconic avonlea gc
Josie: have yall heard of the new boy?

Billy: yup, they say he is a weirdo. I agree. 100%

Anne: give him a chance, he is just shy. We should talk to him

Ruby: well anne has a point, i would be shy too if i was new

Jerry: meh do whatever

Moody: if billy says he is a weirdo, he probably is

Charlie: tru

Jane: you both go get a life and some personality. My brother is an asshole

Anne: he can be sometimes but we love him

Billy: ily anne. Thats. My. Girl. Jane i hate u



505 likes and 35 comments Tagged @billya

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505 likes and 35 comments
Tagged @billya

@dianab : happy anne is happy di

@janea : new boy is way prettier than you

@billya : ❤️❤️

@colem : bestie looking good, and then billy

@annesc : LMAO COLE

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