i dont know what to do

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New boy's house:

Gilbert: daaaad, can you come upstairs?
Dad: going...

Gilbert: what should i do dad? Luckily no one recognizes me, not even anne. She doesn't remember what i did all those years ago, and thank god she doesn't.

Dad: oh son... you have to tell her everything sooner or later, you know it wasn't your intention

Gilbert: i know, but i want to do it right, is everyone finds out my name, then, they will remember me

Dad: mmm maybe you can tell people your second name, tom. You wouldn't be lying but they wont recognize you either. Just until you tell anne

Gilbert: you are a genius, love you dad
Later, Gilbert went to school. He realized he was just two blocks away from anne's house and he was too scared to meet her on his way to school. Unfortunately he did, he saw her walking. Her beautiful red long hair, her freckles, oh, he loved those frekles. She was just as gorgeous as he remembered.

Anne: *screming* hey! Come here

Gilbert tried to ignore the fact that she was talking to him, but it would be too obvious that he was trying to avoid her

Gilbert/tom: hey, are you going to school?

Anne: well, its too early in the morning to be walking with a backpack

Gilbert: you are right haha, im sorry

Anne: dont be, im anne, whats your name?

Gilbert: i know you an- i mean... im g- tom, Im tom.

Anne:  well tom, it nice to meet you, hope you like avonlea

The two of then walked and laughed all the way to school, but when they were about to get there,  billy appeared.

Billy: Hey babe, come here

Anne was surprised, he never called her babe. He was clearly jealous because she was with the new boy

Anne: whats your first class tom?

Gilbert: english with miss stacy i think

Anne: omg same, seat with me, if u want ofc

Gilbert: sure

Billy: thats my first subject too, but i guess ill seat with moody

Gilbert: oh its ok, seat with her

Anne: noo, we are always together. There is no problem

Shirbert - Its me, im sorryWhere stories live. Discover now