The party

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Iconic avonlea gc

Josie: are y'all coming tonight?

Josie: you better come

Anne: im not into parties but ill go anyways and you know that

Billy: BILLY WILL BE THERE, everyone should

Diana: ugh billy i think you are the exact reason why no one is going

Diana: dont worry josie ill be there

Jane: same sis

Ruby: yup yup

Jerry: wouldt miss it

Cole: tell me you will invite hot guys, if so, im in.

Cole: im in anyways

Tom/gilbert: yes sure ill be there


Everyone was drunk except for anne, diana and gilbert. Gilbert liked parties but he never enjoyed getting drunk, same for diana, but anne, anne really hated parties.

Diana: so anne, yesterday you went to the beach uh?...

Anne: well yes, we finished earlier that we thought

Diana: than why didnt you go home or qith your boyfriend?

Anne: tom is really nice, i dont know. I feel like i know him since i was a child, we connected, as friends of course

Diana: oh dear anne, friends... sure.

Anne: uhg diana bye

Anne went to the kitchen where she found jane talking with gilbert. He couldn't understand a thing she was saying, she was too drunk. Later, jane left

Gilbert: anne are you drunk too or i can actually establish a conversation with you?

Anne: i hate getting drunk

Gilbert: omg same, there is no point. Of course i don't judge people who do it, in fact its ok. But not my thing

Anne: we are so alike, i think the same, exactly.

Them billy saw both of them chatting and laughing so he went there, he was too drunk he couldn't even walk.

Billy: anne come with me

Billy grabbed anne's arm, she took a step back

Anne: get off me billy, lets talk tomorrow, when you are sober.

Billy: oh so you prefer staying with him rather than being with me?

Anne: well he is sober

Billy: come on anne, leave tom

Anne: billy stop being jealous of him please, it's annoying me. Jealousy is stupid, stop it, i mean it.

Billy got closer to anne

Billy: anne you are MY girlfriend-

Billy grabbed anne's arm again, gilbert pushed him back

Gilbert: billy, she said go.

Billy: awww you are defending her... its none of your business man. Fuck off

Gilbert: i dont want to be rude, but fuck you billy

Billy punched Gilbert, he fainted for a few minutes. When he woke up he saw that he wasn't home. It was anne's house.

Gilbert: anne why are we at your house?

Anne: tom, how do you know this is my house?

Gilbert freaked out

Gilbert: well its clearly not mine and uhm... i dont know you are here. I guessed it was your house

Anne: yes it is, welcome. Never thought  your first time here would be like this but here we are. Billy punched you after you stood up for me. Everyone at the party saw that.

Gilbert: so do you want to talk about what happened with billy?

Anne: yes, in fact i do. Its been happening since you came here, he is jealous. Not that he should be, we are just friends.

Gilbert: yes... we are just... friends

Anne: exactly. I ve been avoiding those attitudes but this is too much. He was very violent, and he can blame the alcohol.

Gilbert: im so sorry anne, really.

Gilbert hugged anne, later that night, he went to the guests room and anne went to her room. The next morning, when anne woke up, she saw mathew, marilla and gilbert (tom) talking amd laughing.

Anne: well whats happening here?

Mathew: we are telling tom some memories of when you where younger

After gilbert left, anne started thinking

Anne: why would tom move to avonlea? No one new arrives. Also, if his dad was looking for a job, why would he look here? Why not in a big city?

Anne: i feel like we had already met eachother. It feels like the relationship i had with... gilbert. Well, before he treated me like garbage.


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456 likes and 67 comments

@annesc this weekend was crazy. A million thoughts came to my mind.

@dianab: i wonder what those thoughts were? Maybe: billy sucks

@colem : how is tom?

@rubyg: true how is tom??

@tomgg: im good @rubyg @colem thanks for caring

@billya: anne please amswer my dms

Chat between anne and diana

Anne: di, can i say something without you thinking that i lost my mind?


Anne: tom kinda reminds me of gilbert. Like the relationship we had before everything. No one understood me like him

Diana: thats good , isnt it?

Anne: surprisingly, it is
Chat between diana and gilbert


gilbert: omg diana what happened, anne found out? Tell me she didnt

Diana: NO. BETTER. she said that her relationship with tom, meaning you, reminds her to her relationship with gilbert, also meaning you

Gilbert: that sucks, she hates gilbert, meaning me

Diana: I ASKED HER IF IT WAS GOOD. she said yes. It reminds her of good old times, before the incident.

Gilbert: diana this is amazing, IT IS.

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