what am i feeling

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Chat between gilbert/tom and diana

Diana: morninggg

Gilbert: she told you didnt she?

Diana: whattttt, noooo!!

Gilbert: of course she did i know her


Gilbert: uhm i see

Gilbert: anyways, i should tell her diana. I have to. She need the truth, if i dont tell her that im gilbert she will be so mad.

Diana: oh boy relax, she is already in love believe me. Sis. Knows. Everything.

Gilbert: omg diana can you be serious for once?

Diana: nOuP

Gilbert: why did i ask that if I already knew the answer.


Two days after, they all met in school again. Diana was happier than ever, and so was cole. Gilbert was actually the happiest but at least he was good at pretending that it was a normal day. Anne, was also happy but she also was feeling sad for billy, she tried to be nice to him and he didnt seem to care about anne breaking up with him.

Later that day...

Billy: hey tom, come here man

Gilbert: *what the hell*

Billy: hurry up man!

Gilbert went with him thinking everything was ok, instead, billy punched him. Gilbert was bleeding. Right before billy punched gilbert again, anne showed up and stopped him.

Anne: what the hell. What is wrong with you?

Billy: he kissed my girlfriend, what do you think i am  uh, im not stupid man.

Gilbert: what is wrong with you billy, you seem more concerned about me kissing her than about anne breaking up with you.

Billy: i didnt even love her, but she was mine. You had no right.

Gilbert: oh man im going to kill you right no-

*anne runs into the class room and gilbert follows her*

Gilbert: anne are you ok?

Anne: tom, uhm please get out

Gilbert: im sorry, bye

Anne: nono wait, im sorry. Stay.

Gilbert: please stop crying, you dont deserve this.

Anne: its just that, he used me. He just wanted to be the typical boy with a "popular" girlfriend.

Gilbert: anne, you are so much more than that. Come on, we will skip the next class. I will prepare something to eat at my house.

Anne: sure, thank you tom

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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