Dare #1, and a few things explained.

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@KarateGirl0001 says: I dare everyone to make Kade dress up in a wig, dress, and high heels for the next 3 rounds!!


Kade: Hell no.

Dani: Hell Yeah.

Kade: No.

Dani: Yes.

Kade: I'm not doing it!

Dani: Yes you are.


Dani: I'm telling dad that you forgot to wear a condom when you were with Hayley the other night.

Kade: I did NOT forget to wear a condom!

Cody: Wait, you and Hayley have actually-

Blades: What's a condom?

Dani: *Facepalms* Should we explain?

Graham: I mean, they'll need to know at some point.

Heatwave: Why does everyone suddenly seem uncomfortable?

Cody: We'd better wait until all the bots are here, so we only have to explain once.

Dani: Fair enough. Now back to the topic at hand...


Chief: *walks in holding a  pink dress, wig, and high heels* Go ahead and change in the bathroom Kade.

Kade: *stiffens* Oh, h-hey dad..

Graham: *Pushes Kade towards Chief* Go change already!!!

Cody: *laughs*


-A few minutes later-


Kade: *walks in with the  wig, dress and high heels on, holding up the finger* Fuck you.

Chief: Language.

Graham: I've sent a message to the bots on the mainland, and the recruits at the academy. We can all meet at the academy in one hour to discuss the topic.

Chief: What topic?

Chase: One Kade is rather uncomfortable talking about.

Chief: ....Kade....Did you forget to-


Chief: *shocked* I-I was going to ask if you did the laundry..

Graham: *Snickers* Oh Kade you fucked up.

Dani: *Laughing so hard she can't breath*

Cody: *laughing* Kade, are you sure?


Blades: Can someone please explain to me WHAT IS HAPPENING?!


-One hour later-


The bots and their human partners (and Cody) all arrived at the academy at 2:00 pm. Quickshadow, Blurr, Salvage, and Hightide were all there as well. Everyone decided to sit in the lounging room, where they could be comfortable when talking about...well...you'll see.

Dani: Okay. Humans have this thing called "the reproductive system", where *explains*.

Blades: Oh. That makes sense.

Cody: You guys don't think it's weird?

Hightide: You humans ain't the only ones with younglings ya know.

Whirl: What he's trying to say is, we cybertronians have a system similar to yours.

Graham: Like, a reproductive system?

Chase: Yes, of course.

Salvage: Though, it's a little different.

Chief: Do explain.

Boulder: Similar to humans, each bot has a gender. Gender is psychological, so whatever gender you view yourself as, is what you are.

Dani: So that's why people go trans.

Graham: You didn't know that?

Cody: Shhh, I'm trying to listen!

Medix: Similar to male and female, bots have 'mech and femme', mech being the more masculine, and femme being more feminine.

Kade: Okay, but what doe this have to do with making babies?

Boulder: This is where humans and cybertronians differ. Humans are assigned a sex, which usually matches with the gender. Male parts, male gender, and so on.

Medix: But with cybertronians, each bot is assigned a 'class', 'Sire' or Carrier'

Dani: Let me guess, the carrier is the one that caries the baby bot.

Boulder: Correct! And the sire is the class that 'sparks' the carrier. Of course, the carrier and sire must be bonded first, but then they can have sparklings!

Cody: That makes so much sense! But tell me, what classes are you guys?

Heatwave: I'm a sire.

Boulder: Sire.

Blades: Carrier!

Dani: Yep, sort of expected that.

Chase: I'm a carrier class.

Cody: Whoa, really?

Graham: Never would have guessed!

Blurr: Sire.

Salvage: I'm a sire!

Quickshadow: I'm a carrier.

Wedge: Sire.

Hotshot: Sire all the way!

Whirl: Carrier!

Hoist: Sire!

Medix: Carrier.

Chief: Well now that we got all that sorted out, how do you guys think Kade looks?

Medix: *pfft* Pink isn't exactly his color...

Whirl: Yeah, I think yellow would be better.

Blades: Ooo! And white lasing on the trim!

Quickshadow: Oh, what about a yellow headband to match?

Dani: And Yellow nail polish!!

Chase: Yellow would really match with his eyes...

Everyone else: Oh shit, the girls are GIRLING OUT!!!


And that is all for dare #1! I wanted to get a few things explained before we got to far into the series. Yes, I made Chase a carrier. Why? So him and Boulder could...well...ya know...But anyway, hope you all enjoyed!!!

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