When the girls are alone (shitpost #1)

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Medix and Whirl have been missing for several hours. Hotshot and Hoist are getting worried, while Wedge doesn't really care and is playing Tetris on his phone.

Wedge: Guys, I'm sure they're fine. They're probably just watching make-up tutorials or something.

Hoist: Wedge, you don't understand!

Hotshot: Yeah, what if something really bad happened?

Hoist: We should go tell Professor Blades.

Hotshot: I'm right behind you.

Wedge: *facepalms as he gets a notification on his phone, opens it, and sees a selfie of Medix and Whirl having a blast in Whirl's berth room


-With Hotshot and Hoist-


Hotshot: Professor Blades? We haven't seen Whirl or Medix in a while, and we're kinda getting worried...

Hoist: Yeah, we were wondering if you could help look for them?

Blades: You guys, I'm sure they are just fine. But sure, I guess I can help you.

Blades helps the young mechs look for Whirl and Medix. Finally, Wedge has had enough and goes and finds the group.

Wedge: You guys are so fragging dumb! Have you even checked their berthrooms?!

Hotshot: *Looks at Hoist*

Hoist: *Looks at Hotshot*

Blades: *facepalm*

Wedge leads the group to Whirl's berthroom.

Wedge: *Opens the door*

Inside Whirl's room: Medix siting on the berth (bed for bots) watching Riverdale while Whirl applied some make-up to his face, and watched Riverdale at the same time.

Hotshot: *stands there looking stupid* Uh, hello...

Hoist: *Stiffens* Oops! Looks like they're just fine!

Medix: Yeah, why wouldn't we be?

Wedge: Tell that to these paranoid mice.

Whirl: Um...can we help you?

Hotshot: NOPE!


Wedge: *facepalms*

Blades: Sires, am I right?

Whirl and Medix: *laughing* Yep!

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