Kiss, Marry, Kill (Dare #2)

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@KarateGirl0001 says: I dare the rescue bots, recruits, and rescue team to play "Kiss, Marry, Kill".


Blades: What is "Kiss, Marry, Kill"?

Dani: Here, let me explain the rules. We will each take turns. You are given three people, celeberty or just on the team, and you must choose who you will kiss, marry, and kill.

Chase: Seems simple enough.

Kade: Isn't dad going to join?

Graham: He had to go to a meeting with the mayor, he won't be out until well after dark.

Heatwave: Hm, no sense of authourity, this could get out of hand real fast.

Cody: Oh it'll be fine!!

Dani: We're the adults around here, we can handle things.

Frankie: Can you tho?

Graham: Yes we can!

Dani: OKAY!!! Getting off topic. I'll start by giving Kade three people to choose from. Kade, your people are Kim Kardashian, Hillary Clinton, and Taylor Swift.

Blades: *giggling*

Kade: Well I would kiss Taylor because, well, she seems like a good kisser, I'd marry Kim because she's rich, and I'd kill Hillary because...well...we all know why.

Dani: Alright! Now Kade, you choose someone else.

Kade: Heatwave: Your three are Blades, Chase, and Boulder.

Whirl: Oh scrap!

Hotshot: Did it just get hotter in here, or is that just me?

Heatwave: Well, I guess I'd kiss Boulder because he'd be the only one willing, I'd marry Blades, and I'd kill Chase because he's mean to me.

Chase: I'm not that mean!

Blades: Yes you are!

Dani: Heatwave, you never said why you would marry Blades.

Frankie: Yeah *giggling*

Heatwave: U-umm...B-Because the least annoying..

Blades: *Starts laughing so hard he falls on his aft* YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!

Wedge: You do realize that what you just said is the dumbest thing anyone could say.

Heatwave: ALRIGHT! Chase, your three bots are Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, and Ratchet.

Chase: Well, I guess I would kiss Bumblebee because he's the cutest, marry Optimus because I would always be protected, and kill Ratchet because he's rude to everyone. Whirl I give you Dani, Kade, and Cody.

Whirl: I would kiss Dani because it would be seen as a nice gesture between girls, Marry Cody because he is the most reasonable and respectful, and kill Kade because he is a pain in the aft.

Kade: HEY!!

Dani: Aw that's so sweet!

Cody: I'm so touched!

Frankie: *Giving Whirl a "Back off" look*

Whirl: Um...Alright! Medix, I choose Hotshot, Heatwave, and me!

Medix: I guess I'd kiss Whirl because we're pretty much best friends and it wouldn't be that weird, marry Hotshot...and kill Heatwave because he is the meanest teacher.

Hotshot: You never said why you would marry me.


Everyone: *le gasp*

Medix: U-Um, RIGHT! Wedge, you get Blurr, Quickshadow, and Hightide.

Wedge: I'd kiss Quickshadow because she has the coolest vehicle mode, Marry Hightide because he scares everyone and I don't want to be a target, and kill Blurr because he is annoying. Next, Hoist. You get Whirl, Hotshot, and Medix.

Hoist: Oh, well I would kiss Medix because he is the least threataning, marry Whirl because she is the kindest, and kill Hotshot because he can be a pain in the aft sometimes. Now Boulder. You get Blades, Heatwave, and Chase.

Boulder: I would kiss Blades because he seems like one who would be willing, marry Chase because he is respectful, and kill Heatwave because he is hot headed.

Heatwave: *Pouts*

Boulder: Blades, your three are Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave:

Blades: Why did I get the evil ones?! Um, well I guell I would kiss Soundwave because he isn't the worst, Marry megatron because I don't want to be scraped, and kill Starscream because he is the most terrible Decepticon in the universe.

Boulder: You know, marrying Megatron isn't such a bad move.

Blades: Hightide, you get Salvage, Boulder, and Chase.

Hightide: I would kiss Boulder because he isn't at all threatening, marry Chase so he doesn't get mad at me for scaring away the seagulls, and kill Salvage because he is a little bit strange.

Salvage: That's mean.

Hightide: Quickshadow, you get Blurr, Heatwave, and me.

Quickshadow: I'd kiss Heatwave because he doesn't look like a bad kisser, marry Blurr, and kill Hightide because he is the most rude autobot in the seven seas. Next, Salvage, you get Graham, Kade, and Dani.

Salvage: This isn't weird at all. Okay, I guess I would kiss Dani, marry Graham, and kill Kade. Now it's Blurr's turn. You get Quickshadow, Heatwave, and Bumblebee.

Blurr: I'd kiss bumblebee, marry Quickshadow, and kill Heatwave.

Heatwave: Why does everyone want me dead?!

Blurr: Frankie, you get Whirl, Cody, and Graham.

Frankie: I would kiss Whirl, marry Cody, and kill Graham. Graham, you get the last turn. You get Kylee Jenner, Katy Perry, and Dani.

Graham: I guess I would kiss Katy, marry Kylee, and kill Dani.

Chase: Well, that was fun, but we really should get back to work.

Heatwave: Agreed.

Cody: *Looks at camera* Keep those dares coming guys!!


I AM SO FRAGGING SORRY! I WAS GONE FOR THANKSGIVING AND I COULDN'T UPDATE! I WISH I COULD HAVE GOTTEN HERE SOONER! PLZ DON'T HATE ME!! Also, I did get a little lazy at the end, just because 'm kind of rushing to get this done. Sorry for the long wait!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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