Chapter 5

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Jackson POV

And just like that, as if to prove Lola wrong, Ramona kissed me on the lips.

I kiss back, thinking why she's doing this. She's my best friend. Why the hell is she kissing me?!

As soon as Alex starts whistling loudly, we pull away and flip him off in unison.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!" Aria and Ben shout loudly, even though they know why that happened: To shut Lola up.


Ramona POV

Why did I just do that?! This was a bad idea. A very bad idea at that.

"Ramona, you're coming with me," Sky demands, dragging me by the arm over to the playground where most of our childhoods were spent. There's a lot of good memories there. I smile while thinking of some of them. Whenever DJ and Kimmy got together with the kids around, Jax and I would find our friends- who we somehow shared, and would later be some of my best friends- and pretend we didn't hate each other. I never understood why we did that, but it made for a great time.

"What do you want, lady?" I ask, pretending to not know. She glares at me, so I guess my act of innocence isn't working. 

"To know why you kissed MY boyfriend," Lola spits in my eye. Gross. Does she not know that these things are disgusting?

"You two aren't dating anymore, sweetie," Aria magically appears in front of me. 

"Where'd you come from, weirdo?" I ask.

"Surely, you know how babies are made, Ramona," she smirks and I roll my eyes at my friend. She's so extra sometimes.

"Shut up. You know what I mean," I laugh, "So, anyways, Lola, honey, you are no longer dating Jax. He made that VERY clear yesterday, did he not?"

"You shouldn't assist in him cheating on me, you know, Ramona. It leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouths," Lola continues.

When will she get that they're not dating?! I've had it with this attitude she's had all week towards the breakup.

"Lola, let me make this very clear: He hates you. You know what you did to be hated, and now, you're being a bigger jerk then ever, okay?! When will it get through your thick skull that you're not dating him?! I can't wait for the day you finally regain sanity, but I don't want to wait for it. Get out of my way," I shout. Jax comes over to me and starts rubbing my back to calm me down.

"Go to hell, Ramona," she shouts back.

"Barbados? Hell yeah, I'm going. So long as you're not there," I smirk evilly.

"Why don't you want him and I to be together?! You're just an ugly ho. Okay? You're the ugliest, bitchiest, dumbest, most idiotic girl in the entire world to think that you matter to anyone. I can assure you, no one gives a damn about you. Everyone hates you. Even you. Do us all a favor and go somewhere else, " Lola yells.

Everyone just stands there, stunned, for a minute. The tears start burning in my eyes. What if what she's saying is true? I know it isn't, but still. Being relentlessly bullied by one person for an entire year makes life pretty damn sad.

"Now, you've crossed the line!" Ben shouts, hands balled into fists. He's the first of us to recover.

"Babe, she's not worth it," Aria whispers in his ear, and takes one of his hands in hers.

"What did you just call my best friend?" Jax asks, ice in his voice.

"You heard me, babe," Lola innocently smiles at him.

"Who gave you the right to talk to her like that?" Alex shouts, recovering. I'm still in shock she said that, and frozen in place.

"Me. I did. Now, shoo, little bird. I have to go talk to my boyfriend," she says, pointing at Jax.

"No. You don't get to call me that, ever again, after what you just called Ramona. She is the most beautiful, perfect, smartest, most caring girl in the entire world and I will not let you tell her otherwise. You're the one who doesn't give a damn about her. I love her, and maybe if you could grow up, you would see that you can't treat people like that," Jackson declares, voice growing louder by the second.

Now I'm really tearing up. There were already tears in my eyes, but now they start falling, a mix of happy and sad tears.

Lola's frozen by what he said, taking it all to heart. Good. She should be knocked down a few pegs every once in a while.

He walks over to me and envelopes me in a bear hug. I hug back, and bury my face in his chest, tears soaking his shirt.

"Let's get home, how's that sound?" Jacksito suggests after pulling away from the hug and putting his arm around me.

"Let's do that," I smile at him. "But first, food."


Poor Ramona. .·´¯'(>▂<)´¯'·.

I felt really bad writing this because I don't want anyone to ever feel the way Lola makes Ramona feel, or have to hear those things.

^ damn that shit was deep. I never write like that lmao

Anyways, I has discovered ASMR.

Later loves,


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