Chapter 30

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It's about time that the mall kicks us out, so we grab all of our bags, even Aria, and head out. Surprisingly, it's only ten, and we don't have to be back until midnight. With that in mind, we get back on our bikes. Since Ar has so much crap she bought, her mom is going over tomorrow morning to pick it up, since the contest allowed for that.

"Where should we go?" Row asks once we get out of the parking lot and turn towards Smiley Rock. I'm just following Ben's lead because he seems to have a plan.

Ben smiles, "Rowan, have I ever steered you wrong?"

"Yes. Three times last week, and ten the one before that," Rowan responds truthfully. Ben is very chaotic and almost never thinks things all the way through.

We all nod our agreement with Row before bursting out in laughter. Ben jokingly says, "Please. I'm always right."

"Whatever you say, babe," Aria sarcastically replies to her boyfriend. "We're going stargazing, if you must know."

"You just ruined the surprise!" Ben exclaims, fake swatting at his girlfriend.

I laugh, "My guy, you need serious help," and high five Jax, who is riding next to me.

The remaining portion of the ride to the stargazing location they set up is full of laughter and good conversation.

Turns out we were going to the softball field, which is where we end up with the Doritos I left here last week, thank God. I was missing those Doritos in my bedroom.

"Alright, people, there are blankets laid out and extra ones in the dugout. You may also have the food here. Only thing is, we have to leave by eleven thirty to get back in time," Ben announces when we park our bikes.

I grab the Doritos and go straight to the large, soft blanket in the dugout. It's really warm and I'm really cold, despite the layers. The blanket also has a lot of pretty designs on it that I like. I may just keep this blanket.

There's another thick, bright blanket on the ground at the perfect spot for star gazing, so that's where I go, careful to not destroy the beautiful creation they have created, the perfect array of blankets, food, and people.

Jax soon joins me on my blanket, putting his arm around me as always. Ari and Ben are on their own little world as always, probably making everyone looking at them feel single. An epiphany comes to my mind while staring at the stars and I sit up abruptly. "We could call Aria not Aria, but Arizona."

"I hate that so much," Aria replies, and I make my face into a frown.

In an attempt to get me to smile, Jax suggests, "Why don't you come up with those nicknames for all of us? Ben could be Big Ben, and I don't know who the rest of us could be but I'm sure we could figure it out."

I smile and flip off Aria before staring at the stars again. It's like a drug trip, but better.


this is shit

Later loves,


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