Chapter 9

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Ramona POV

"POPKO?!" I shriek, walking into the fight in an attempt to break it up. Instead, I fall back into Aria's arms out of pure shock. She buckles under the weight for a minute before adjusting and holding me upright.

"Ramona?" He asks, confused. Popko and I broke up a month ago, right before we went to Japan. I'm pretty sure Jax still has that dumb card he wrote.

"What are you doing here? I thought you transferred," I demand, stepping closer to him.

"Well, I didn't. I just went on vacation. Got myself a new girlfriend, actually. Her name's Gen," Popko says rather defensively.

"Calm down, cactus, I don't think she wants to get back together," Jax replies, shoving his way through the crowd to join me.

"Oh yeah? And why is that? I mean, look at me. I'm the hottest piece of meat in this town," Popko tries to look... I don't even know what he's trying to look, but it ain't working.

"Sure," Sky agrees rather unconvincingly.

"Don't you have some guy to go make out with and then dump five minutes later, Skylar?" Popko asks, and I almost punch him in the nose but Jax grabs my hand right before it connects.

"Do not get suspended because of him, Ramona," he whispers to me and I see Ben whispering the same thing to Aria.

There's no one to tell Alex not to, though, and so he punches Popko.

With that, round two of the fight and Alex's suspension begin.


*After School*

"Today was exhausting," I say as I flip onto Jax's bed that afternoon.

"Tell me about it," he agrees, flopping next to me. "I still can't believe Alex got suspended."

"I can't believe he got suspended defending Sky's honor. Do you think he likes her?" I ask, thinking.

"No way, dumbass. Alex likes someone else and you know Sky doesn't catch feelings," Jackson argues, and I immediately sit up.

"Who does Alex like?" I ask, as this is vital information. That boy hasn't ever had a girlfriend before, but he has had his first kiss.

"Bro code says I can't disclose that information without express permission. Sorry," Jacksito informs me.

"Even to me? But I thought I was one of the guys," I pout, getting a confused stare.

"While I treat you like one of the guys, and normally would agree with that statement, love lives are sadly different," he tells me, and I frown deeply.

"I have a right to know his crush!" I protest, and he sighs loudly.

"No, you don't, Mo. None of us do except him, and I don't even trust him to figure out his feelings," Jackson points out.

"I hate you," I joke. He reaches out to tickle me, but Tommy runs into the room, excited from his day at preschool.

"I learned to write my name today!" He exclaims, smiling widely as he jumps into my arms.

"Did they give you soda? Because you have a lot of energy today, buddy," Jax notices and I roll my eyes at him.

"No, they didn't even give us a cookie! Miss Randi promised us that on Friday we'd have a huge party, and Arianna, Ben, Alex, Skylar, and you two are all invited! I told Mommy, and she said that you two didn't have to go school Friday because of it, and that everyone could sleep over Thursday," Tommy excitedly informs us, and I can't help but laugh at his excitement.

"Well, I don't know if Alex will be able to go, but the rest of us will go, Tommy," I assure him and he runs downstairs to DJ and Kimmy.

"Shall we call our friends?" Jackson asks, and I ignore him. I'm mad at him. "What, you're mad at me because I refuse to tell you who Alex is crushing on?"

I continue to not respond and just scroll through Twitter before he tickles me, hoping to get a response. I stay stoic, somehow, but that only lasts two or three more minutes.

"I hate you!" I yell, and he finally stops tickling me. It took a few minutes for me to regain my breathing pattern, but as soon as I do, I punch him in the shoulder.

"Love you too," he sarcastically replies and I smirk victoriously.

Calling our group chat, I shift slightly closer to Jax so he'll be in the frame.

"Why the hell are you two snuggling in his bed?" Aria asks the second she answers, Ben popping his face into the frame.

"Because it's been a long day and we were arguing, clearly," I reply and she sighs loudly.

"Holy heck, Jamona's happening!" Sky shouts, and I roll my eyes. These people are idiots. My best friends are idiots.

"No, it's not. Anyone heard from Alex?" I ask, redirecting the conversation.

"I have. He said that his mom was pissed, but got why he punched Popko after what he said," Sky explains and I smirk.

"Think he'll join?" I ask, and everyone nods just as he answers the call.

"My fist hurts from all the punching today," he randomly says and we all laugh.

"Anyways, Tommy just came upstairs telling us that they're having a Christmas party at his school Friday and so y'all are invited. DJ said that you can sleep over Thursday through Sunday if you want," I interrupt his quote unquote manliness.

"I'm pretty sure that I won't be allowed, but I'll ask my mom right now," Alex responds, shouting for his mom.

"I just texted my parents and they said it's fine, so long as we don't kill anyone or commit a crime," Ben says, and we all laugh. His parents are probably the most chill, but their main focus is that no one goes to jail.

"Thank God! Carly was telling me about this party and I was like, Jamona better be there too. DJ and my parents already spoke, so I'm going," Aria replies, talking about her little sister. Carly and Tommy are best friends, and in the same preschool.

"I have to consult both of my parents because it's a week/weekend trade-off this week, but they should be fine with it," Sky explains, texting rapidly. "Mom said it's fine, and she's Friday through Sunday, so Dad just had to approve Thursday."

Sky's parents got divorced two years ago, and she's been Sky the Heartbreaker since. She doesn't believe in love, but I guess that might change.

"Thank you, Jesus, my mom said I can attend. Mainly so that she doesn't have to deal with me and can go on a date with someone," Alex informs us and we cheer. His mom hasn't gone on a date in two years, ever since her fiancé broke off their engagement. His dad died when he was a baby.

"Looks like we're all sleeping over this weekend!" Sky shouts, and we all whoop and cheer.

"God help our parents," Jax jokes, and I roll my eyes at him.


Y'all, tomorrow's the end of the decade.

Later loves,


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