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hello i am Violetta Castillo and i work for the fbi but i live in London where nobody who will hurt me can find me i live with my mum and dad and my brother Federico he doesn't know that i work for the fbi well nobody does but my mum and dad . we used to live in america but an accident happened so we moved here to stay out of harms way but the only problem is i haven't made many friends as i have a fear of telling them who i work for.

i am 14 years old but i have worked for them since i was born so i cant quit now as alex my boss will hate me and i love him likes he my big brother.

i had so many friends back in buenos aires till we moved here. i miss them all especially leon my best friend but i love him more than just a friend.

Federico is my twin brother and we do everything together but this as he doesn't know at times i fell mean him not knowing but its for the best as i don't want him to get hurt.

leon Vargas was my best friend but we were dating he knew i had to leave because of the accident he said it was alright as we would meet up again but he didn't knew where i left to go as it was two dangerous for me and for him i miss him so much and i wish i could see him again but once would be enough.

my family move here when i was born which was when i was chosen to work for the FBI but they left me but my mum stayed here till i was two years old and left to live with fede and my dad i didn't mind as i lived with leon and his mum leona and his dad Leonardo, i didn't mind living with them as it was fun and they were my second family.

a/n i will not update all the time as i will be busy but for both books leonetta story i will update them both every 2 weeks as i will be able to have both have a chapter ready to update.

also i will not update this book till i have at least 5 votes.

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