letter one

575 35 3

30 de Agosto del 2014.

Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, Mexico.

Dear German Student,


I don't know your name yet. Sorry. 

And I'm not even sure what to say to you. Maybe I'll begin by telling you about my week? 


That might be too boring.

Maybe you should start first.




here is the first letter. 

since its pretty short, i thought i might post the response letter tomorrow. JD are obviously Jurgen Damm's initials.

and i hope you like the first update.

thank you so much for reading and supporting. this first chapter is dedicated to my very good friend Diana @brizuelakings :) she is amazing and writes really good football stories. and she likes chivas guadalajara like me ^.^

anyway i love you all.

-clary xx

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