9. [Edited]

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Jackie takes a shower and gasps. He runs out the bathroom soaking wet with a towel wrapped around his chest it had went his mid-thigh. "RYAN!" He called. "Look! I didn't turn into my mermaid form!!"

Ryan woke up with a jerk as he heard the other yelling. "Hm? W-what?" He rubbed his eyes.

"I'm soaking wet! My-my tail didn't appear!"

"what?" Ryan looked at the other, up and down. "Oh god, you are right!" He stood up. "He grabbed the other's shoulder and look at his legs. "Yeah, no tail." He checked

Jackie smiled happily. "Now I can do more normal things! Like splash in puddles!"

"haha you care about puddles, you can even go to the water park now." Ryan was still surprised. "But...will you never turn back to being merman?"He ask.

"Hm, maybe I can do it on command now..?" He says. He closes his eyes and starts to glow. He gasps as his tail appears and he falls over.

"Woah...that's some crazy magic going on." Ryan was surprised and nervous. Jackie concentrated again and turned back then grabbed the towel and wrapped it around him.

Ryan still look at the other as he was dreaming, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Jackie smiled and giggled softly. "Ah, I'm gonna go get dressed," he said softly, getting up and walking to the bedroom.

"wow" Ryan sat on the sofa. "Am I really not dreaming?" He pinched himself. "Ow!"


Jackie got changed into some shorts and a big shirt. Ryan went and took a bath then went to the balcony with some books and starts to study.

Curiously Jackie went through a few things and found what looked like a storybook. He sat on the bed and opened it up.


Ryan studied there like 2 hours and fell asleep on the chair, as the afternoon breeze was blowing. Then someone rang the doorbell. Jackie jolted, he got up and went to the door. "Hello?" He called.

They were Ryan's friends who he met at the store. "Open up." One of them said. Jackie slowly cracked the door open and looked up at the others. "Uhm, Ryan was studying. I can go get him if you want-" "Yeah, we just " they showed Jackie some drinks and cake.

Jackie opened the door more. "Come in, I'll get him," he said. Jackie still in the shorts and big shirt that showed his shoulder a bit, he went to the balcony. "Ryan?"


"Wow, is he really a male?" One of them said, as Jackie went past them. The other hit him "are you gay or what?" "No man" he laughed.


Ryan woke up as he heard Jackie's voice. He rubbed his eyes and looked around not knowing what universe he was in after the nap.

"Your friends are here," he said pointing inside.

"oh " Ryan stood up as he stretched his hands and went inside yawning. They greeted each other, then he look at the cake, "it's not anyone's birthday today, so?"He asks, raising his brow.Jackie walked in next to Ryan and looked at the cake curiously.

"man, we don't want you to feel sad, so we are here, celebrating a singles party!" They said. Ryan was surprised then sighed. "Why do you guys do the most unnecessary things, you know right, that exams are coming? You should study" he sat on the sofa. "Yeah but today is the exception, aren't we such good friends?" One of them said, taking out two bottles of alcohol and orange juice for Ryan and Jackie.

"Party?" Jackie asked. "I've never been to one before." He said softly while tilting his head.

"really? Well, then we will tell you about it." One of the friends stood up and grab Jackie from the shoulders. "It's about, fun, dancing and celebrating, eating too ....well I mostly go to parties to eat" he chuckled. While the other one and Ryan serves the cake. "Well yeah me too tho," the other said.

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