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Warning: 18+ Content ahead

Jackie got light shivers up his spine. He nodded quickly. "P-please" he whispered. Ryan looked in Jackie's eyes as he grabbed his cheek from his thumb and his fingers on Jackie's neck, as he moved in closer, their lips touching each other.

Jackie's breath hitches slightly as he gazed up at Ryan. Slowly he kissed back, melting into the moment as his hands were gently placed on Ryan's chest. Butterflies seem to swarm his stomach and he felt a weight lifted from him.

Ryan wrapped his arms around Jackie, as he deepens the kiss. He kissed Jackie like he wanted to be kissed as no one had ever kissed him, soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment. The heat rose in his cheeks as his tongue touched the other's tongue, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that lay within, seeking to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through both of them.

Jackie felt his body get warmer with every touch and movement of their lips. Wrapping his arms around the other's neck, running his fingers through Ryan's hair with one hand as the other clung to the fabric of the shirt on his back. This is the feeling he had been so desperate to find yet was running from for so long in fear. Now that it was finally here he was almost overwhelmed by the pure sensations. He allowed the other to take control of the passionate moment, having no problems at all as he felt his tongue slip and press against Ryan's.

Ryan doesn't know what made it happen. He doesn't know what made the change. But looking up at Jackie's face...he felt himself get hard. It came from inside and he could feel the muscles tense. He moved his hand inside Jackie's top.

Jackie's body gently shivered as he felt Ryan's hand graze onto his smooth soft skin. He clung to the other not wanting to break the kiss. Letting a subtle soft moan out into the kiss. Once pulled away Jackie panted softly, leaning his forehead to Ryan's, he pecked his lips a few times then left a trail of hot kisses down his jawline.

"Haha, coming on aggressively, hm?" Ryan chuckled as he moved his finger's on jackies nipples, and by the other hand he massaged his ass while kissing his neck.

Jackie panted softly, his breath hitches as he felt his sensitive perked nipples being touch. Blushing more when his plump ass was fondled. He clung more to Ryan, tilting his head to give him more room.

"You are so cute." Ryan licked his ears as moved his fingers moved on Jackie's belly. Jackie let out a light breath as his ear was licked. Chills getting sent up his spine at the gentle touching.

"you smell so sweet," Ryan whispered, then he suddenly remembers the day when Jackie was drugged and he pushed Jackie away unknowingly. "S-sorry." He doesn't want to make Jackie cry or scared again.

Jackie was a bit confused as he was pushed away, and it saddened him. He supposed that Ryan just- wasn't ready to do too much, Or just didn't want to. He looked down. "it's..okay.." he said softly.

"I am sorry, I was again doing as I please...never taking others' feelings into consideration." Ryan stood up. "Let's sleep, ok?"

Jackie looked up at Ryan, a bit confused... "Ryan..." he said softly. He stood up and caressed Ryan's cheek, looking up at him. "I love you... so so much... a-and that night wasn't how I planned our first time would have gone... b-but I want you to know, I was not forced in any way. Drugged or not I would have said yes anytime to have that special moment with you. And now that we are finally in this good place, I don't want to spend one second worrying or living in the past. Anything we do now, I want you to know I'd love every part of it. I give you this control, not for you to feel guilty about, but because I trust you with everything I have.."

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