19. [Edited]

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-Next morning-

Ryan was still asleep, as the alarm was ringing. Jackie moved a bit in his sleep. He whined and turned off the alarm. He perked up remembering what today was. He sat atop Ryan and poked his cheek. "Hey wake up we gotta be ready"

"Mmhh..." Ryan furrowed his eyebrows as he hid his face by a pillow not wanting to wake up.

"Heeeyyyy" Jackie whined and shook Ryan. He huffed softly. He leaned down and bit Ryan's shoulder. "Ow!" Ryan said as he moved the pillow. "What are you doing." He whined in a sleepy voice.

"Geeht uhp" (get up) Jackie mumbled while he kept his bite on Ryan. "Ok, ok."Ryan rubbed his eyes.

Jackie let go and giggled softly. Kissing Ryan's face all over. "Hey, what got into you, this early morning." He moved his hand on Jackie's back, as he opened his eyes.

Jackie smiled gently. "I just, know how nervous you are about today, I want to comfort you as much as I can.," he said softly

"And that's why you are biting me?" he chuckled.

"No, That was to get your lazy butt up so we're not late," Jackie said while giggling softly

"Hmm." Ryan scratched his head as he sat up with Jackie's on his lap, as he placed his head on the other's crook of the neck. Jackie blushed lightly and smiled a bit.

"Can't we postpone it?"He asks lazily."Nope!" Jackie said with a smile

"Hm... I guess not."He said, as he got up and went into the washroom to get ready.

Jackie began to get ready as well.


After breakfast, Ryan starts to change clothes, wearing the simplest shirt he had. Jackie looked through clothing and bit his bottom lip. He wasn't sure what to wear.

"What happens?" Ryan said, combing his hair as he looked at Jackie through the mirror."I'm worried, what should I wear?" Jackie said.

"You can wear anything."He chuckled.

"Nnnnmmmm... You know what, can you choose my outfit for today? Pplleeaasssee?" Jackie asked with a pout.

"I told you, you can wear whatever you like, except for girly clothes, that would cause a problem."

"Exactllyyyy, I'm still not used to what girls and boys are 'supposed' to wear so pick for me plleaassee" Jackie whimpered while tugging Ryan's arm.

Ryan sighed. "OK" He looked through the other's clothes. "How about this?" He showed him a black T-Shirt. "Or this?" and a blue T-shirt with a horizontal pink line on it.

"I like the blue one," Jackie said with a smile. "Sure." Ryan gave the shirt to Jackie. "Get ready, until I clean the kitchen"
Jackie nodded. He got dressed in some skinny jeans and wore the shirt ticking it into his jeans.


Jackie walked in and hugged Ryan after he was done. "Ready?" Ryan asks, wearing his watch and taking his wallet and keys.

Jackie nodded with a smile. "Yep!" He said. "Let's go then." he smiled as they got out, and went to the railway station. Jackie followed close by Ryan as they walked.


They took the ticket and got on the train. "Hey...um...before we meet my parents I want to tell you some things."

Jackie looked up at Ryan and nodded. Listening to what he had to say.

"If my parents ask about your parents, tell them you don't have anyone and you are raised by your relatives, otherwise they will ask your parents number to talk to them, if they ask, how we become friends...tell them you are Selena's relatives as they know her so they might not get suspicious. and...if they ask about my personal life...then don't say anything, you just tell them that we are not that close and I wanted to see the town that's why I came....just for some time until I tell them that we are lovers....ok?" He looked at Jackie nervously.

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