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A/N: Please keep in mind that these are so old I could blow dust off them! I'm refraining from editing more because looking back, it's awesome to see the progress I've made along my writing journey. I'm posting more of my works privately because I definitely improved (I am reading these and crying internally) and I'm writing more for myself as of now! :D If you've happened to stumble over my works to judge them more than read them, you are not welcome here. Writing is a safe space for everyone. REGARDLESS JHCBSHBCSJ please read these if you'd like to, just know that they're more of a place for me to see how much I've grown rather than top-tier content. : )! 


In which Rayla has a nightmare and Callum tries to approach her. 

Word Count: 1.3k 

Warnings: slight depictions of violence



The night sky painted over her vision as she searched around for something to lean on- she didn't know what she needed. All she knew was that she was in need of something. Her eyes darted around the areas of her vision to look at where she was, but it was dark. The sky was an eternal pit of darkness that spread over like the plague. It painted over the skies as she turned around in fear, her heart pounding against her chest.

Rayla stopped to turn around, her eyes hooked onto a glowing purple light reflecting onto a lake nearby. She stared hard into the lake, searching for something, anything. 

A claw dug its fingernails in her shoulder.

She jolted, turned around, and immediately got into a battle stance, but her blades were nowhere to be seen. Here she was, defenseless and with no blades, no one, and something attacking her that was not visible in the reflection of the lake.

The water turned white for a second as Rayla looked at her surroundings, only to find Callum casting a spell on her.

"Callum?" She asked in alarm. "What are you doing?"

He continued to chant in a monotone and emotionless voice, his eyes glazing over to black and skin cracking to purple. His eyes began to sink into his skull like weights and his hands grabbed onto her shoulders as she tried to fight back, pulling hard but to no avail.

When she tried to escape, facing her body towards him, she found that there was no lake anymore. The skies were dark and empty with no source of light- no, there wasn't even a sky at all. There wasn't anything. 

She turned around in alarm, stuck in his grasp, defenseless and used, trying to pull away from his grip- since when was he even this strong?

Rayla took a deep breath, adrenaline rushing through her veins as she mustered the strength to force her fist against his face. The punch ended with a hard smack as Callum crumbled to pieces on the floor, but Rayla knew there was more to that. This was not over.

She waited, staring at the remnants of her boyfriend on the ground- and just as she had suspected, there it was again. But this time, bigger. He came with eyes black as obsidian and shriveled purple skin as she took a long, hard stare at him, refusing to peel her eyes off of his.

"Stop." Rayla hissed, gathering the nerve to stand up to him. She grabbed his fist and nailed his head to the floor with her foot, now beside him and her right foot keeping his legs glued to the floor.

"What did you say to me?" Callum muttered. For a second, she hesitated. But she gained control again, realizing that this was not Callum. This was a maniac who went crazy and chose to use dark magic for the stupidest reasons. Like 

White Wings - Rayllum One-Shots (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now