Defense Pt. 2

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Warning: blood, violence, angst

Rayla ran across the entire field outdoors, the two laughing without a care in the world. The waterfall (illusion or not,) in the background roared as Callum ran over and tackled her to the ground. 

"Do you think it'd be sexy of me to chop your head off like the turkey?" Rayla said, mocking and feigning an accent as if she were Henry the 8th. 

"Oh, no, sir-!" Callum joked. He played along, "please, spare my head!"

Rayla smacked him playfully on the side. "It's too big and thick of a skull for me to chop it off anyway."

Callum gasped. "Excuse me-"

This was the love that Rayla had always searched to find. Someone she could joke around, be herself, and be absolutely cringy with, and enjoy it. Because around him, Rayla didn't care-- she felt safe around him, and she felt like she was home when she looked into his eyes. 

"I swear if you ever-"

"If I what?" Rayla began.

"Rayla- you have a bug on your..." Callum shook.

"What?! Where?"

"Right... here." Callum gave her a kiss on her forehead and the ongoing pattern went like this for a while.

Rayla had never had more fun in her entire life- Callum, was here with her, today, and for the first time, in a while, she was capable of controlling herself and relaxing. 

Because of Callum.

Everything amazing from the start was always because of Callum. When she had tried to kill him when they first met, not only did he choose to say that he was King Ezran, he didn't hesitate once to allow her to go with him. He made her feel comfortable on the boat, and he also found the best ways to comfort her. It was insane that someone was this-- this kind to anyone. And Rayla appreciated that.


A voice screamed from the distance. Rayla's heart seized as she looked up, jumping to her feet and bringing Callum up with her. They both got into a battle stance before searching the area, Rayla's hands placed delicately on her blades as she stared, waiting for something to pounce. 

"You." Claudia began. "I never thought I'd ever see you again."

Rayla smirked. Claudia seemed to be holding something in her bag-- she just had to get her hands on it, and they'd all be safe again. 

"It's one against two," Rayla noted. "And Lujanne is bound to show up soon. So you might as well leave while you can."

Claudia laughed dryly-- "I had a feeling you'd say that, elf."

Within seconds, Viren emerged from thin air as he raised his staff up into the air and stared-- cold, and hard into her and Callum's eyes. 

It was Viren, the dark mage.

The one who almost killed her.

The one who almost killed Callum and broke him apart.

The one who nearly killed Zym, and raged war on Xadia.

And the one who murdered her parents to wherever they were now. 

Anger and adrenaline swirled inside her, as she yelled out a battle cry and whipped out her blades, her body moving before she could even take a moment to think.

She raised her blades up into the air, her arms moving swiftly and quickly as she jumped perfectly-- right over Claudia's head.


But right as she was about to pin her to the floor, a blast of purple liquid somehow turned to glass, and yet as vapor blasted into her eyes, her nose, her mouth.

"Venenum Mors!" Claudia shouted as she destroyed the living daylights out of a scorpion, more weird purple gas emitting from it. 

Then Rayla felt it.

Rayla had been hurt plenty of times-- she'd been tossed and turned over in eleven training, she'd been knocked over in battle, and she'd dealt with constant pain in her hand with the risk of it falling off.

But this was nowhere close to just how intense it was. 


It stopped her heart, and sweat poured down her face. She cried out to shout for help, but her mouth wouldn't open. The pain overtook her body as she had no control over anything. Callum's distant calls disappeared while her world darkened. Everything hurt, so much. Her stomach was cramping and she felt as if she were breathing knives. Her head became fog and her eyes felt as if they'd been sprinkled over with salt, stinging and engulfing her vision. 

"C-Callum," she croaked.

Then her world went dark.

It was as if time was moving in slow motion. Callum watched in horror as Rayla doubled over onto the floor, her face reading nothing but absolute pain and crumpled in agony.

Tears immediately filled his vision and anger roared in him in words he couldn't explain. 

Callum, then in a rage, yelled out and screamed, "No one, no one, NO ONE will ever touch her aga-"

He sprinted towards the daughter of the dark mage and hit her right in the chest. He felt satisfied as he heard her breath release with the impact. 

He threw her to the floor recklessly, pure anger raging through his veins as her head went back, falling to the pavement with a thud. Callum raised his hand up in the air to cast a spell, when he felt his breath hitch-- and in seconds, he was on the floor. 

"Venenosa mors aeterna Sententia!" 


How could he have forgotten?

He tried to dodge the blast of dark magic, but his body refused to move.

Everything hurt. 

He wanted to die, stop time and just rejoin his father and mother. 

Wouldn't that just be easier? 

Every part of his body cracked and he felt as if his bones were being dunked in acid. His skin turned bright red as he coughed out blood.

The world kept on turning.

Breathing in felt toxic, sulfuric even. His throat burned as if he had swallowed dry ice and fire at once. 

He retched, on his knees and sweating.

Everything hurt.

His body felt so weak, his vision blurred and his eyes filled with tears.

He coughed up more blood.

His head hurt so much that he didn't know what to even call it.

He was convinced his chest was being ripped apart, the vision of the world, all his hopes, and dreams being taken away from him.

This was far, far worse pain than anything in the world.

"you have to breathe..." He thought.

But it hurts, mom, Callum cried out.

It all hurts...


His body finally gave in to the pain. He stopped, and let himself be at peace.

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