Just Us (Pt. 1)

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warnings: lmao i changed pov's three times w this, no warnings


After the final battle, Lujanne allowed Callum and Rayla to stay at her place until they were capable of regaining their strength; both physically and mentally.

Callum lay awake at night, holding Rayla's hand on a giant baby blue bed. So much had happened in such little time- he wished everything, time would just stop, even for a moment. He couldn't stop thinking about Viren and Claudia- how they had betrayed him. He had more trust in Claudia in all his life, more than anyone. He told her everything, and she would understand.

But he was wrong.

She never understood, did she?

She was so obsessed with all the dark magic and fame, and she became no different than who she believed she was fighting.


She was a monster alright- hungry and bloodthirsty for attention and fame. She was willing to kill me, Callum thought.

Even her very own brother.

She was a monster. 

And he hated her.

He felt his face turn red as the disorienting thoughts disappeared from his head when Rayla tossed over to his direction. She was still sleeping. Her breathing was gentle- if he had never really known her before, and saw her sleeping, he wouldn't have dared to think that she would even touch a knife.

He squeezed her hand tighter as they touched foreheads.

And Rayla squeezed his hand, too.

"Hey," she whispered, feeling Callum's body shifting uncomfortably on the mattress.

Even though Callum had known the elf for so long, he forgot that she had still been an assassin in her past, which meant she was a very, very light sleeper.

Which also meant that she was very perceptive, so if there was just the slightest change in demeanor, she was able to tell. The prince couldn't decide whether that was more of a positive or negative trait, but either way, he was grateful for her.

"Callum, is something wrong?" Rayla asked. Her violet eyes shined in the dead of night.

A part of him wanted to tell her everything. All of his thoughts, worries, theories and past memories that he couldn't seem to let go of. He wanted to confide in her and have a long chat with her to get the uneasy feeling off his chest,  but it was hard to do when everything was so rough.

"Mm," Callum simply said in response. "It's nothing."

But another part of him didn't want to burden her just because he couldn't handle the weight of his own emotions.

Rayla looked unsure, but she was too exhausted to argue. "M..mkay."

She was out like a light again.

And just like that, he was back alone with his thoughts to keep himself busy.


Rayla woke up to the rays of light in her eyes. She was exhausted- how long had she slept?

One hour? 3 hours? Or if she was lucky enough, 5 hours.

She checked the clock, which read in big fat yellow letters, "10:48 am."

Rayla was above, beyond surprised- nine hours of sleep. Nine whole hours.

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