Chapter Five

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Nick woke us all up early, told us to pack our bags, and to get moving. He seemed excited and really energetic already. "What's with all the rushing?" Stella asked with a yawn.

Nick turned his head to us and smirked. "I found out someone has a lead on where the orb is—we're taking a small road trip."

My brain rushed in with thoughts. Who was it? How did they know? Did we need to fight? But my thoughts were pushed aside by the sound of Leo dragging his suitcase out of the room and dropping it onto the floor. "Finally! I hate this place! Their room service sucks!"

I glared slightly and packed my bag as Nick told us to follow him. We made our way to a giant bronze truck. It was easily as big as a monster truck, and was built like a tank. It looked sturdy enough to give a bulldozer a run for its money. Leo grinned. "I call shotgun!"

Nick didn't even look at him. "No," he said. "Athena's in the front. We're still coming up with a plan. Besides, you'd probably blow us up." Nick got into the front seat and slammed the door shut. We all followed. I sat on the left hand side, Evadne in the middle, Stella behind Athena, and Leo was in the very back with our bags.

The inside was black leather, and the dashboard had tons of buttons and switches. "Woah..." Stella said in amazement. Evadne nodded in agreement. "This is a really nice car."

Nick grinned. "Yeah, my friend built it for me, used it since I was able to drive." He flipped a switch and the engine roared to life, shaking the car. I held on tight and swallowed hard. "We got an old 'friend' to visit," Nick said, his voice getting deeper, but a cold smirk spreading across his face.

"I really don't like that smirk... Or the voice..." I muttered. Stella nodded in agreement. "It scares me too..."

Before anything else could happen, the truck zoomed down the road. It was so fast, the force was pushing me into the seat, and I couldn't move. I was able to turn my head to see Stella and Evadne having the same problem. I turned my head to see Leo, but he was bouncing around being hit with luggage. (That felt good to see.)

I slowly turned my head to see Athena, her eyes wide and her face going pale. She looked like she was trying really hard not to be sick. I saw Nick wasn't even close to being phased. He must have been very used to this speed.

"Oh my gods!" I yelled in shock. Nick grinned. "Cool, huh?"

"Not cool!" Leo yelled before a suitcase smacked him across the face, causing him to fall. Finally, Evadne managed a smile, even though her eyes were shut tight. "Actually," she said. "I think I like this."

"Which part? The fact it's giving you a nice massage, or Leo getting smacked?" Nick asked. "I think the second one!" Stella chirped.

"Hey—" Leo said before he got flung under a pile of suitcases against the wall. "That, Leo," Athena said tersely. "Is why you wear your seat belt."

"There's none back here!" he growled before being flung to the right. "Oops," Nick muttered, a smirk on his face.

"Ooh, I like him," I commented, smirking as well. Evadne giggled. I blushed slightly and turned my head to her. She'd finally opened her eyes, and she was looking over at me with the biggest smile I'd ever seen from her. It was about the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

My blush deepened and I felt my breath get caught in my lungs. The car jerked to the right, forcing Evadne to crash into me. "Oof," she groaned. I could have sworn her cheeks turned pink. She didn't really make any move to get up though, which surprised me.

I saw Stella smirking at us, an eyebrow raised. I was about to say something when the car jerked again, causing us to get closer, face to face.

I felt my face go hot, my heart go twice as fast, my breathing quicken. Evadne looked really nervous now. She was biting her lip, like she was trying to think something through before going to do it.

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