Who do i choose-(Dathidewildcat/Minicat)

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High school AU

David's Pov:

I was walking in the halls with my best friend Brian on my way to our shared locker. Brian has been teasing me about Tyler ever since I told him about my crush on him. I had a crush on Tyler since we met in middle school, for four years now to be exact. Brian caught my attention when he shoved a flyer in my face pestering me to read it. "The Autumn dace? What about it?" I asked confused. Brian rolled his eyes and grinned. "You could ask Tyler to be your date to the dance!" Brian said loudly in an excited tone making me cover his loud mouth with my hand. God I hope no one heard him.. "But the dance is this Saturday? That's in two days Brian are you crazy!?" I shouted in panic. I don't have enough time to prepare myself! "Relax David, it's gonna be fine. You're over reacting." Brian said smiling to reassure me. "Yeah maybe you're right.." I said calming down a bit. The bell finally rang meaning that it's time to go to first period. I watched as people moved through the halls until someone caught my eye. Tyler. His beautiful ocean blue eyes met mine making me look away flustered. "Come on lover boy, we're gonna be late!" Brian yelled snapping me back into reality and dragging me to class but not before I got one last glance at Tyler and my heart pounded out of my chest when I saw him smile back at me.


Brian had convinced me during class to ask Tyler to the dance tomorrow so I can prepare myself tonight. I'm so shaky and nervous. I'm so excited and scared at the same time. All the small smiles and glances sent by Tyler gave me hope. That was until I over heard something I wish I never had. I heard it when walking with Brian to our next period. It felt as if time had stopped. "W-Will you go to the dance with me?" I heard Craig's voice spoke. I turned around and saw him down on one knee with a sign and flowers looking towards Tyler, the man I'm in love with. It only got worse when I heard Tyler speak. "Yes" his words spoke like poison to me, piercing me in the heart like a dagger. I was too late..

I ran to the bathroom as tears started to prick my eyes. All sound around me disappeared, my breath becoming sharper. I hid in the last stall burring my head into my knees as my soft sobs could barley be heard. I was stupid to think I had a chance! It was all so meaning less.. my heart ached more as my panic attack worsened. In the background I heard the bathroom door open and footsteps drawing near me. "David? You in here??" Brian asked in a worried mother like tone. I just stayed quiet sniffling softly. "I know you're there bud, I can hear your sniffles." Brian said softly opening the stall door revealing himself. I just buried my head back into my knees ignoring him. I felt him crouch down beside me and put an arm around me pulling me into a hug that I needed. "I'm sorry David.." is all he said. "Hey I'm sure you're gonna find someone better bud. Forget him! If he's stupid enough to miss a chance with a wonderful guy like you than he's not worth your time." Brian spoke smiling softly. I weakly smiled back while wiping my tears away. "Thank you Brian." I said as he helped me up. "Let's go get a note to class before we're in even more trouble." Brian chuckled. As I walked out the bathroom I stole one final glance at the man who stole my heart and shattered it. His blue eyes met mine once again showing guilt as he examined my tear stained face. But he wouldn't have understood anyways.

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