Who do i choose[Part3]

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David's Pov:

I felt my heart start to race as I replayed what just happened. A tear slid down my cheek as I frantically looked around for Brian. I've been looking around for about ten minutes now and still no sight of him. Fock it, I'm just gonna go into the hallway and cry to myself. I took one last glance around the gym before walking into the halls, my eyes met with his only for a split second before I quickly ran threw the door and to the closest classroom I could find.

Suddenly I bursted into tears as I sat on the ground against one of the lab tables of the science room. I just wanna go home and forget this night. I just wanna forget him already! After a few minutes I heard someone walk in, I expected it to be Brian so I looked up to face him, but my eyes widened when I realized it wasn't Brian, it was Tyler. Why is he here?! I look like shit.

I quickly put my head back down into my knees as I breathed heavily, trying not to cry anymore than I already was. I felt his presence beside me as he sat down close to me. I was startled at the sudden warm touch on my shoulder from him. "You look good David, well I mean you always do.." he spoke softly. I wasn't expecting those words coming from him. I felt my face started to heat up as I slowly put my head up to face him. "What's wrong?" He asked worriedly as his eyes stared into mine. "I-I can't tell you.." I said mumbled looking away from him. "Why not?" He insisted as he lightly pulled my face towards him with his hand ever so gently. I didn't say a word, I was scared to. I felt my hands starting to shake. "I'm sorry David.." he spoke making look into his eyes with confusion. "I'm so stupid." He chuckled making more confused. "What are you talking about..?" I asked quietly. "I should have said no thanks to him.." he spoke under his breath. "What are you talking about Tyler?" I asked wanting to get this over with already. "You were the one I wanted to go with.." he mumbled. "No, stop giving me hope!" I yelled at him as tears started coming back up. "David you're the one I wanted not Mini." He tried to explain but I cut him off. "Then why did you say yes to him?! I don't need your pity if that's what this is!" I yelled frustrated as more tears rolled down my cheeks. I sat up and started to walk towards the door until Tyler stopped me by grabbing my hand. "David please let me explain!" He begged. I slowly turned to face him to noticed he was starting to tear up as well. I sighed trying to calm down. "Okay.. I'm listening.." I spoke quietly in a raspy voice. "David I've had my eyes on you for a long time now, I wish I could have told you this in a better situation than this but I like you..a lot.." he trailed on. "I never ment to hurt you.." he spoke softly as he inched closer to me and placed one hand on my waist and the other on the side of my face caressing my cheek softly with his thumb. I refused to make eye contact with him. "Well you did.." I said under my breath. "I've had a fockin crush on you for four years Tyler! My heart shattered as I watched you be with someone else!.....but I guess it's not your fault though.. you didn't know how I felt so I can't really get mad at you.." I spoke looking down with guilt for getting angry with him. I don't know what to think anymore. This was a mixture of a dream come true and a nightmare.

I finally looked back into his guilty eyes. "I deserved to get yelled at." He said chuckling softly. "Can we start over?" He asked as he smiled looking at me for hope. I really couldn't stay mad at him forever, I really love him a lot. I sighed and smiled back at him. "I'd like that." I spoke and his eyes lit up and his smile got bigger. "Hi, I'm Tyler and I like you." He spoke. "Howdy dooty, I'm David and I like you too." I said and we both started to laugh. I looked away for a split second to look back to find Tyler only an inch a part from my face. My face quickly turned into a flush of red as my heart pounded for what felt like it was going a hundred miles per hour. "You're so adorable when you're flustered." He said smirking as he glance at my lips and back to my eyes. We slowly closed the space between us. His lips were so soft and gentle as they pressed against mine. Our mouths connected so perfectly like two puzzle pieces. What was only supposed to be a mere kiss soon turned into a passionate make out session. This when on for about five minutes until we heard the door open and a loud gasp coming from someone else. We both turned to see a teary eyed Craig. Tyler push away from me and walked over to Craig to explain himself. I'm not gonna lie that it hurt a little. "M-Mini! Let me expla-" Tyler pleaded but was cut off by the smaller male who was now crying. "Just don't talk to me.." he spoke in a low raspy voice. "Come on Mini! I'm sorry!" Tyler begged as he laid his hands around his waist making me jealous. "I don't wanna hear it! Just leave me alone.." he yelled smacking Tyler's hands away and pushing him aside as he ran out the classroom slamming the door. Tyler was about to run after him but I stopped him and looked him dead in the eyes. "You better make this right. And I don't wanna hear the choosing bull shite either Ty, you can only be with one of us.." I spoke in a serious tone and he nodded to show that he understood the situation. "What if I want to be with you? You think Mini would forgive me some how, even though I don't really deserve it.." he said looking at me with guilt. "I'm not sure, that's something you're gonna have to ask him yourself Tyler." I spoke looking towards the door signaling for Tyler to leave and go find Craig. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and headed out the door. I hope he doesn't end up playing with our feelings anymore than he already has.

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