It was all for you(H2ovanoss)

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[Trigger warning]
This story will have Gore and mention of touchy subjects such as murder. This story is about a school shooting.

Jonathan's Pov:

I woke up for school like any other day, dreading every moment of course. I hated school, me and my best friend Evan would constantly get bullied and beat by other kids. Everyone was so cruel to us, it's unfair! It's sucks because we still have to spend another year in that shit hole since me and Evan are only juniors. One day all that will change, I can just feel it..

After I got dressed and ready for school I walked to Evan's house since he only lives five minutes away. I knocked on his door to be greeted my his mother. "Morning Mrs. Fong! Is Evan ready?" I asked giving off a warm smile. "He'll be down in just a minute dear. You can come in and wait." She said smiling and letting me come in, I sat patiently on the couch waiting for him to come down from upstairs. "Jon!" Evan yelled while running down stairs. "Morning owl man!" I giggled. "Come on we're gonna be late!" He yelled grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. "If we're late it's because of your slow ass!" I said chuckling my unique psychic laugh.

We rushed to the bus stop arriving just a couple seconds too late. The bus pasted us but not before a couple of kids got to open the window and chuck balls of paper and other trash at us, it didn't quite bother me when this happened to me but when someone treats my best friend like that then that's when I kick their fucking ass! "Ignore those idiots Jon, we can't let them get to us. Remember everything will be fine as long as we have each other right?" He said smiling making my insides melt. Evan always knows what to say and how to cheer someone up. He's so amazing and perfect. I would lose my mind if I ever lost him. "Right!" I yelled tackling him into a hug making us both go into a giggle fit.

We arrived at school late since we missed the bus. Me and Evan got a tardy note from the office before heading to first period, which unfortunately was math and not only that two of our main bullies were in that class. We walked into the classroom with our heads down to avoid eye contact with anyone and sat in the back. I watched as Evan began taking notes and I ended up spacing off while staring at Evan by accident. I was thinking of a future with Evan. He was the only person who really understands me and who really cares. He was everything to me. Hell I'd even kill for him.. kill.. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a pencil was thrown at my face. I turned towards the culprit and it was none other than Tyler, the biggest asshole in school. "Hey faggot! Stop staring at your boyfriend!" He yelled laughing and soon enough his other friend Brian joined in. "Fuck off.." I said a little more under my breath but I guess it was loud enough for them to hear. "What did you say?! Come on speak up pussy!" He challenged me getting in my face. I tried not to react to his actions but then he started turning towards Evan. Evan was trying his best to ignore the situation so he wouldn't get picked on next, but it looks like that plan didn't last long. Brian took his notes and work sheet and held it out of his reach. "Oh Evan you think we would forget about you?" Brian teased as Evan stood up. "Please can I have my work back..?" Evan asked in a defeated tone. "Well since you said please.." Brain said smirking. "I'll only rip it up twice." He said shredding his work up in front of him as he and Tyler laughed. I looked into Evan's eyes seeing that he was on the verge of tears. I had enough of this shit!! I stood up looking them both dead in their eyes. "How cute, you're trying to stand up for your boyfriend." Tyler teased at this point I don't know what went over me but my anger somehow gave me enough confidence to punch Tyler square in the jaw making everyone gasp and stare. Soon enough a couple seconds later he came back launching his fist into my face making me fall back and onto the ground. Everything went dark for a few seconds and I suddenly started seeing stars as I pulled myself back up. I looked over to notice that Evan had blood dripping from his nose and the tears falling down his cheeks. "You're such a cry baby! Maybe try having someone stronger to protect you queer!" Tyler scuffed while laughing making Evan get up and leave the classroom. I quickly ran after him calling for him in the halls but I still got no reply.

I stopped at the boys bathroom after hearing sobs coming from inside. I opened the door to see Evan curled up in a ball on the ground crying. "E-Evan.." my voice horsed. I sat down beside side him opening my arms out for him, once he got the signal he hugged tightly onto me as he buried his head into my chest. I gently hugged him back using my one hand to gently stroke his back to calm him down. "It's okay Evy bear, remember that as long as we're together everything will be fine.." I said softly. He moved his head slightly to look up into my eyes with his beautiful watery brown eyes. I used the sleeve of my hoodie to wipe the blood and tears off his face. "Thank you Jon for standing up for me back there.." he said in a raspy voice. "I couldn't help but laugh when you punched Tyler." He said lightly chuckling. "It was worth getting punched in the nose to see that." He said and we both chuckled softly. "Yeah but Tyler was right about one thing... I'm not strong enough to protect you, I'm weak... what kind of best friend would I be if I couldn't protect you?" I said looking down in disappointment of myself. "Since when do you listen to what Tyler says? You're one of the strongest people I know! And you've always been there for me Jon, I wouldn't want anyone else by my side. I love ya doofus!" Evan said smiling while staring into my eyes. I couldn't help but feel that familiar butterfly like feeling in my stomach whenever I'm around him. I couldn't help but smile back as his words played on repeat in my head. "I love you doofus" I didn't know what he meant by that, I didn't know if it was in a friendly way or more.. but I also had other things on my mind... I needed to be stronger for Evan, I needed protect him, I needed to get rid of  the problem. That's it! If I get rid of everyone who's ever hurt my Evan everything will be better. Evan would be happier. That's all I want, I just want to make him happy. Friday will be the day that everything changes.. no one would dare try to hurt Evan again after what I have planned..

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