It was all for you[Part2]

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Jonathan's Pov:

Today is Friday, I've been planning for this since Tuesday. Unfortunately I'm gonna have to ditch Evan this morning, I don't want him to know what I'm planning. I'll just pretend I was sick today so no one gets suspicious.

I got up out of bed and put on a pair of black pants and a random blue hoodie. I need something to cover my face so I don't get recognized.. I looked around my room and found the perfect thing, my old Jason mask from last Halloween. I took the mask and went into my parents bedroom, thankfully they already left for work. I turned the lights on and made my way towards the gun cabinet. I hesitated to put my hand on the door handle of the gun cabinet. Am I really about to do this? Remember it's all for Evan, everything I'm about to do is to protect him. He's gonna be so happy! I slowly opened the glass door and picked up my father's rifle and a hand gun. I took some ammunition and placed it in my pockets and book bag. I took my switch blade with me as well and placed it in my right pocket.

I left my house and started walking my way to school, I made sure to avoid as many people as I could while walking down the streets. After a good 15 minutes of walking I finally made it to school, I hid behind one of the trees nearby and waited for everyone to enter the school. I even saw Evan walk inside. He will definitely love me after this!

Soon enough I went towards the back of the school and snuck through one of the back doors. I pulled my mask down to cover my face and headed towards the classrooms that had my targets in it. I first walked into my math class. I roughly opened the door slamming it against the wall. Everyone froze and stared at me. I pulled out my pistol from my pocket and immediately everyone began to tremble. It's a good thing Evan it's in the classroom right now for some reason, I don't want him to see this.. The teacher tried to slowly approach me trying to reason with me. "P-Please you don't have to-" he pleaded but I shot him blank in the head before he could even finish his sentence splattering his blood all over the chalkboard. Everyone started to huddle to the back of the room and cower. I however found this amusing for some reason. I began to chuckle softly at first but it soon it turned into full on laughter. "The fuck is wrong with you psycho!" I heard an all too familiar voice spoke but was immediately quiet when I darted my eyes towards his direction sending him a death stare. Tyler... he is at the top of my list.. him and Brian. I started walking towards their direction and pulled my gun up aiming it at Tyler's head. I noticed he was shaking with fear.. perfect. I was about to pull the trigger but I noticed Brian started to jet towards the door to escape, but I quickly drew my gun his way and fired watching his movements go to a stop and his body fall limp into the ground. That was very enjoyable but wasn't quite what I had planned. he didn't deserve a quick death...

I pointed the gun back to Tyler and motioned him to follow me. I kept him at gun point as I lead him into a storage room near the back of the school. I didn't care that I let everyone else go, I wasn't after them. I roughly pushed him down onto the concrete floor and pulled out my switch blade from my pocket. I roughed him up a good bit kicking him in the stomach and when he tried to fight back I would lunge my knife into his chest. He was balled up on the floor coughing up a bit of blood. "P-Please.. I didn't d-do anything.. I-I swear.." he begged which made me laugh at him. "Are you fucking kidding me!? You didn't do anything?! HA!" I started laughing uncontrollably. I pulled my mask off and tossed it onto the ground. "J-Jonathan?" He spoke wide eyed. "I'm gonna make you pay for everything you've done to me and Evan!!" I yelled as I pulled my gun back out placing the barrel of the gun to his head. I watched as he pathetically began to cry. This is for you Eva- suddenly i heard the door open and loud gasp. "J-Jon.." a familiar voice spoke with pure shock. I turned around to see a teary eyed Evan. "E-Evan! W-what are you doing here?" I asked as I kept my grip on my gun. He didn't say a word, he just stood there paralyzed with fear. "Jon! W-What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled throwing me a bit off guard. He didn't sound too happy, I thought I was doing the right thing. "What do you mean Evay bear? I'm taking our problems away! I'm taking your problems away!" I said laughing a bit, I couldn't help it. "Jon this isn't right! There's other ways of fixing things!" He yelled walking a bit closer to me but still keeping his distance. "Jon come on! You don't have to do this!" He begged. "B-But Evan, I did this all for you! I have to finish what I started.." I said looking angrily back at Tyler. "Don't do it!" He yelled as more tears streamed down his cheeks. "Listen to him.." Tyler spoke making me snapped. "Shut up!! Everyone just shut up!!!" Screamed frustrated. "I'm sorry Evan but I have too.." I spoke moving my finger onto the trigger ready to pull it. "Jonathan Denis, if you do this I'll never forgive you, I don't wanna ever see you ever again if you pull that trigger! You don't want that do you?" Evan spoke making my heart drop. I turned my head to face him, I stared into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "Come on Jon, just put the gun down. We can run away together and leave this cruel world behind. Remember, everything will be fine as long as we have each other.." he spoke softly giving me a warm smile. I slowly began to put the gun down. "You serious about running away together?" I asked in a excited tone. Me and Evan running away together, just me and him. We could finally start our future together.. "I mean it, we can leave right now. Just me and you buddy.." he smiled and offered me his hand. I hesitated at first but then I linked our hands together and Evan lead me outside of the school farther and farther away until I couldn't hear the sirens anymore.

We ended up in the back woods part of this small town. We laid in the grass breathless from running. Our hand were still intertwined with one another. After a few minutes we both sat back up and looked up at the sky. Everything felt perfect. "Jon I want you to know something.." Evan spoke softly. "What is it?" I asked anxious to know what it is. "You know I love you right? Like more than just a friend.. I have for awhile.." he spoke as he stared into my blue eyes inching closer to my face. I can't believe it! He loves me!! He loves me. "God I've been waiting so long to hear those words!" I said excitingly while blushing. Everything went perfect as plan. He smiled as he slowly began to close the space between us. His lips were so soft and gentle. I could feel fireworks go off in my head. The kiss only lasted a mere five seconds but it was the best five seconds of my life! He stared ever so passionately into my eyes as I felt something cold touch the back of my head. "I'm sorry Jon.." he spoke softly making me confused when a look of guilt painted over his face. "Sorry for wha-" I asked but was cut off by a loud bang and suddenly everything went black..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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