Who do i choose?[Part2]

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Tyler's Pov:

Tonight is gonna be the best night ever! I get to go with Craig, one of the cutest and smallest kids at school. I didn't think someone so sweet would wanna go with an asshole like me to the dance. To be honest if he hadn't asked me out I would have already asked someone else that I had in mind. I spent an hour getting ready for the dance, combing my hair, brushing my teeth, etc. I even had a matching tux to go along with Mini's. I had a black tux with a blue bow tie on and black dress shoes. Mini was gonna wear the same but his bow tie was orange.

When I finished getting ready I got In my car heading towards Mini's house. As I drove I felt my hands shake, Am I really that nervous? I took a deep breath as I pulled into his driveway. I got out of the car and walked up to his door, I knocked and waited until the door revealed a handsome man with brown hair that was bleached on the top part of his hair, his black glasses looked adorable on his rosy face, and the tux fit him so perfectly. "Hey Tyler." Craig spoke smiling at me making me snap out of my thoughts. "H-Hey Mini, you look amazing!" I said softly rubbing his cheek with my thumb causing his cheeks to turn into a darker shade of red. "You ready?" I asked as i intertwined my hand with his. "No I still gotta but my makeup on" Craig said doing his drag queen impression. "Oh shit me too!" I said doing the same impression making us both go into a laughing fit. "Alright fuck nugget, get in the car" I said opening the car door for him as he hopped in. With that we were on our way to the dance.

David's Pov:

I can't believe I fockin let Brian convince me to go to the stupid dance. He insisted on me tagging along with him and his boyfriend. I wore a green tux vest with a white under shirt and a green bow tie. I waited outside on my porch for Brian to pick me up, after a few minutes I finally saw his car pull in. I walked up to the car and hopped into the backseat. "Hey! You look amazing dude! You're gonna catch someone's eye for sure." He said trying to cheer me up. "I doubt it.." I said under my breath.

Soon enough we pulled into a parking lot behind the school. I followed Brock and Brian to the front of the school. I could hear the music from outside it was so loud. As soon as we stepped foot into the large gymnasium that was filled with moving bodies and flashing lights I instantly started to feel an anxiety attack sneak it's way out.

I watched awkwardly from the back of the gymnasium as Brock and Brian danced nearby. Brian insisted me to dance with them but I refused. I kept quietly to myself. I watched as more people came through the gym doors. But then my heart stopped once again as I saw Craig walk in with man I love so dearly, their hands were intertwined with each other's. My heart ached as I felt tears starting to rise. I just wanted to leave and run back home. But Brian is right, I can't let this stupid crush stop me from having fun. I came here to hangout with my friends not for him. After taking a few minutes to calm myself down I joined Brock and Brian on the dance floor. I could feel a smile grow on my face, I was having fun without him. I don't need him to be happy. Though it would be nice to be loved by someone..

Tyler's Pov:

Me and Craig danced half the time, we would talk to friends here and there. Everything was going right but for some reason I feel like something was wrong. I feel like I was meant to be here with someone else. I like Mini, I really do..it's just there was always someone else on my mind. The last time I saw him was nothing but a glance that lasted no more than two seconds. The hurt look in his puffy eyes, his face was stained with tears. Did I go with the wrong person?

"Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, I'll be right back cutie" Mini said as he winked and walked away no longer in sight. I continued to dance to myself until I accidentally tripped on someone's shoe making me fall onto someone else. I quickly shot my head up to look at the poor guy I knocked over. My eyes widened as I saw that it was him. The one person I had planned to ask out first before Mini came along. His dark green eyes stared into mine. It felt like time itself had stopped, like we were staring into each other's souls for what seemed like hours but was actually a few seconds. Finally we broke eye contact as I saw the panic in his beautiful eyes. I quickly got up and offered to help him up. He was hesitant at first but then grabbed my hand as I pulled him up. Our faces only inches apart and our hands still glued together. "I-I'm so sorry dude! A-Are you okay?" I asked nervously. "Y-Yeah, I-I'm f-fine. I g-gotta go now.." he stuttered terribly. His cheeks were a shade of red and his eyes looked like they were starting to water. I was gonna ask him if he was alright again but before I could he sprinted off somewhere else. I had lost him to the crowd. I looked around for him but still no sight of him. I was startled by a hand suddenly touching my shoulder. I turned over and saw that it was just Mini. "Hey everything alright Ty? You seem kinda tense." Mini asked concerned as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Y-Yeah I'm fine, I just need to go talk to Evan real quick if that's alright?" I asked and Mini smiled and nodded and with that I disappeared into the crowd. I feel bad for lying to him, it's gonna break his heart when he finds out I'm looking for someone else. Why am I doing this? I'm getting ready to fuck things up with me and Mini, and for what another guy. I'm happy with Mini but I'm so selfish that I'm looking for someone else. God I hope I'm choosing right.

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