Season's Greetings

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She was one snowball away from a win. Hiding behind an avalanche of white powder, she took off from the fort with speed, racing towards the enemy dugout. With a minute before the enemy caught her, she had configured a ball of white powder, perfectly fit between her mittens. Out of the corner of her eye, a red designer glove signaled the peace sign.

A trap, she thought. Searching for her teammate, she ran behind a tree, with sight of the enemy dugout. Her back against the cold arm, she took a moment to catch. Her breath. A snowball hit the face of the tree and her heart beat even faster. Leaning over, she grabbed another handful of snow, forming a ball. She threw it across the lawn, her head peeking from the tree.

It landed only a few feet away, the enemy dodging the bullet of snow.

Adjusting her multicolor knit beanie, she grinned. Staying low to the ground, with a careful eye she watched the enemy's back turn away from her, making another snowball. She knew it'd be another second before the snowball was crafted, but in that timeframe, she sprinted in her boots across the lawn, avoiding the red designer glove's ammunition. With a solid throw to the back of the enemy, they were down.

She jumped up in excitement and went to the enemy's dugout only to be bombarded with a snowball as her sister climbed out of the snow mound.

Celia soon came out of their fort and joined her in the dugout as the enemies gathered around them.

"That was so fun!" Dizzy screamed into the air. The three others laughed at how enthusiastic she was. Doug placed his arm around Evie who was busy dusting her jacket of snow.

"That was a pretty good hit," Doug complimented Dizzy as she grinned.

"Thanks. So what's next?" The ginger pigtailed girl asked, her eyes bright with excitement.

"Hot cocoa by the fire is always a nice way to warm up after a good snowball fight" Evie informed, the four of them walking inside the cottage. Celia stopped in her tracks, her head turning towards Evie.

"Hot cocoa? Like that warm chocolate liquid? With whipped cream, sprinkles, fudge, caramel, marshmallows and cinnamon?!" Celia asked, her eyes wide.

Evie and Doug both laughed and nodded their heads. "Yes, but typically not every topping" Evie replied.


Sipping hot cocoa in a red and white candy cane mug, Dizzy sat on the soft royal blue sofa. The fireplace was going and Celia was next to her, completely knocked out asleep.

The young voodooist had nearly guzzled the warm chocolatey sensation, before she became subject to a midday nap. Doug was in the middle of typing up a ten page organic chemistry lab report, as he sat at the desk in the living room.

"I think the best toppings are by far whipped cream and marshmallows" Dizzy said to the young adults, Evie looking to her side. She put her phone down and thought about it.

"I think I tried marshmallows the first time I came to Auradon, but I fell in love with having a peppermint candy cane dipped in it. Mint and chocolate go really nice together" She said, already finished with her mug of the warm drink.

"Doug?" Dizzy asked slightly awkwardly. Though she was now accustomed to the guy Evie was dating, she still hadn't interacted so much with him. He looked up from his laptop and turned around with a smile. He had picked up on her shyness around him and did her best to eliminate some of it. "What do you think the best toppings are?"

He chuckled a bit, before answering. "Well, you I hate to snow on your parade, but I'm actually not a fan of chocolate"

His revelation left Dizzy's mouth wide open in shock. "But didn't you just have some?" She asked, genuinely confused. "Oh My Auradon... you don't like chocolate?! That's a pretty big crime!" She exclaimed.

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