This Christmas Day

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-I do not own the video above nor do I take any credit for anything written in bold-


They said it was going to be difficult, and Uma didn't believe them.

After 4 months without her first mate, she learned that she should have admitted that it was going to be a challenge. Especially during the holiday season and all the fun her friends were having with their families, it was hard not to feel a tinge of envy. Like most things, Uma tried to hide her true emotions. It made her weak to be vulnerable.

She missed Harry and that was a fact. Everything seemed less enjoyable without him. After graduating from Auradon Prep and two straight years of denying her feelings for her first mate, with the help of Mal and Evie, she finally admitted that she felt something for Harry. Oddly enough, it resulted in a weight off of her shoulders that she didn't realize she had been carrying for years.

But the bliss of her new relationship took a turn when Harry decided to enlist in the United States of Auradon Navy. It was no surprise to her, as it combined the things he naturally had a knack for. The sea and protecting.

At one point, to hide the fact that she didn't like the idea of him leaving her, she decided to find out more about how she could enlist too. However, soon into her research, she found that she wanted to pursue a different field. That being in criminal justice and continuing her work alongside Evie, as one of Ben's advisors.

When she sent him off in his dress blues, Uma held her emotions together. As he waved and tipped his sailors hat, her eyes watered and she reciprocated the wave until she could no longer see him through her misty eyes and the fog across the bay.

The memory was so vivid in her mind and for the first few weeks, it circled her mind at night. Reminded of how he wasn't home for Christmas, the memory returned the night before Christmas.

Considering the fact that he was currently deployed overseas to aid one of Auradon's allies, she was told there was no chance he'd make it in for Christmas. Even as it was Christmas Eve, Uma still wanted to believe he'd surprise her the next morning.

This Christmas was going to be different, and she knew that. While everyone else had been in the rush of the holiday season, hustling and bustling around malls for gifts, Uma didn't play into any of it like she had in the past.

I don't need no diamonds or a fancy car

Or a jet to fly me right up to the star

She'd never been one to rave about materialistic items, she just wanted to better her life. Somethings were unnecessary, considering how much of it was thrown to the Isle. Castlecoming dress that cost hundreds, made just for 5 hours, the 24 karat diamond rings and the hundred-thousand dollar cars. She didn't want it. She didn't need it.

I just need your guidance, since we've been apart

I feel your love beside me, mending my broken heart.

Her first mate had been alongside her since they could walk. Growing up on the wharf with their parents who were allies of the sea. they became as good of friends you could get on the Isle. It wasn't until their tween years when Harry's crush developed early, much to Uma's oblivion.

But the feeling of love, even if it had been initially platonic, was always with her, like a permanent arm around her shoulders. Without him, her heart felt just as much broken. Pridefully, Uma would never admit aloud she needed Harry, despite the feelings that emerged.

I see you, I call your name

In that moment, as she closed her eyes while she lay in bed, it was as if a movie played in her mind. Harry came home, wrapping his muscular arms around her small frame. The smell of the sea and ocean waves, still fresh on his back.

As she opened her eyes to the disappointing room, the air felt cool around her shoulders, sending a chill down her spine.

As she eyed the clock, the red glow of 2:09 stared back at her.

Oh, I'm trying on this Christmas Day.

With a lack of sleep, Uma had been in the same pattern all night. From reliving the vivid moment, to dreaming of Harry to the point that pillow in her arms began to feel like her first mate. His voice rang in her ears, the last words he called out to her before the boat sailed into the horizon.

"I love ye, captain"

Replaying his voice in her head, a small smile curved on her face as she once again closed her eyes.

I feel you

 I hear you say

I know you're not okay, I know it's not the same

But you love me, and that will never change

Oh, and I love you on this Christmas Day

Earlier that week, she sent a priority mail letter, wishing him a Merry Christmas. Enclosed in ink was her hope that he'd be home soon and that she missed him. She received no letter in return, assuming the holiday had shaken up the mail system.

I know you see me smiling, holding back my tears

Just nothing compares to this without you to share it with, my dear.

Her mind wandered from the letter, to the day ahead of her. She was to share it with no one in the empty loft. The two of them had adopted their own traditions and created a day that Uma had come to enjoy. Yet, without her other half, it just wouldn't be the same.

I'm thinking 'bout the good times, wishing you were here

I'm gonna celebrate, drinking your favorite, cheers

I feel you, I hear you say. 

You're gonna be okay, I know it's not the same

But you love me, and that will never change. 

And I love you on this Christmas Day

Somewhere beyond the ocean that they had sailed together last year, beyond the lands they had never been to, Harry was protecting innocent lives and keeping people safe. That was something Uma acknowledged and smiled at every time. Although it hurt for him to be away, there was a reason that was enough to ease her vulnerability.

I close my eyes and hear you say you love me

And that will never change, no no

And I love you on this Christmas Day

With a simple sigh, Uma got out of bed and left the room, taking a seat on the sofa in the living room. Her eyes glanced from the Christmas tree with a few gifts from her friends to the frosted window, complete with snowflakes. Feeling her eyes sting with tears, she quickly wiped them with the back of her hand.

I see you, yeah, I called your name

No more crying, no, on this Christmas Day

If Harry could see her, he'd chuckle that she was crying over him. Him! Of all people. She loved her first mate and nothing would change that. Harry proved that nothing would change his loyal nature towards his captain.

I feel you, I hear you say

It's gonna be okay, I know it's not the same

A small smile curved across her lips as a stray tear slipped down her cheek.

But you love me, and that will never change

And I love you on this Christmas Day

Her own voice sounded in her ears, the words that he didn't hear, but escaped from her own lips when she sent him off.

"I love you"


Laying her head on the throw pillow, staring at the lights around the tree, decorated with ornaments of the sea, Uma quietly fell to sleep.

Dreaming of the day she would see her Harry again. But for right now, she knew he'd want his love to know everything was going to be okay.

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