My Song to You

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-I do not own the video above nor do I take any credit for the words written in bold- 


'Twas the night before Christmas Eve and Doug was preparing to go home for the holiday.

While they weren't really dating, they were still close friends. Earlier that week, Doug gifted Evie a charm bracelet. It had a tiny Erlenmeyer flask and a golden heart, already fastened to the gold chain.

Since then, Evie had been sporting the piece of jewelry. Barely taking it off, only doing so before bed or a shower.

Although Doug had made it clear that it wasn't expected of her to give him something in return, Evie knew that she wanted to. Just a little gift to show how much she appreciated all of his kindness this first semester at Auradon Prep.

Most everyone they came across when they were in each other's presence believed them to be together, but they weren't. Well as far as Evie knew. For now, they were just friends (who had undeniable crushes on each other).

They were taking things slow in better words.

Once she decided on the perfect gift, she had taken to composing it in the only way she knew how. Despite not being a songwriter, Evie tried her best and even asked the others for advice. She didn't play an instrument, so the song would have to be performed a-cappella. Though it was nerve-wracking, Evie persisted.

Not only would she surprised him, but she'd gift him with her gratitude in the best way ever. She just hoped he'd love it.

That night, Evie and the other VKs were preparing to go to Beast Castle for the holiday. Ben had invited them over for their first Auradon Christmas ever, assuming they didn't celebrate it on the Isle like the mainland did.

Before she left for the holidays, Evie wanted to say goodbye because she wouldn't see him until next year. She was quite nervous to reveal her gift to him as she gave his door a light knock. Upon no answer, Evie deciding to open the unlocked door just a small crack. She called his name once more. With no response, she opened the door completely and realized he wasn't there.

"Doug?" She called, walking around the dorm room. Everything was neat and organized. It seemed as if he had already cleared out for the holidays. She hadn't ever been to his dorm, considering they always studied in the library, on the school lawn or at a picnic table.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of shoes get higher in pitch until they stopped. She turned around, her face blushing a deep shade of red.

"Evie?" Doug said in a red and green sweater, standing in the doorway. A confused look grew on his face as he adjusted his glasses.

"I was just looking for you. I wasn't sure if you had left already" She replied quickly. "I just wanted to give you your gift. I know you didn't say to give you one, but I really wanted to. It's kind of bad, but—"


The blue-haired girl looked up from her shoes, stopping mid sentence. It had gone from unusual to usual for her to blush, stutter or ramble. But she quickly learned it only occured when one special person was around.

"Thank you. I-I just came back for my guitar. My parent's love to hear new music every time I come home" He said. Evie smiled warmly. At the way he spoke about his parents and family, Evie kind of wanted to meet them. Wait, did she really just think that?

"You know, what's it like to go home to a family for the holidays?" Evie inquired as he had already went into his closet for his guitar. He picked it up and slid it over his back. He closed the closet with his foot because of the hard guitar case in his hand.

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