Christmas Evie

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-I do not own or take credit for the video above nor anything written in bold-


She had just pulled a blanket up to her chin, in an attempt to hid her face from the Ghost of Christmas Future when suddenly, the power in the cottage went out.

"Doug?" Evie called, her voice frantic.

"Doug?" She felt around the sofa until she felt a lump. Make that a lump with glasses on it. She removed her hand from his face, a giggle escaping her lips.

"I'm right here" he said with a chuckle. "I can see your silhouette. The porch lanterns give a little sense of light"

"What are you talking about?" Evie asked, her brows furrowing (not that Doug could see them, but still) as she squinted out of the living room windows, finding no light.

"That way," Doug pointed towards the other side of the room, forgetting that it was pitch black and his finger was not visible.

"Well, I still can't see. Are you sure your glasses aren't reflecting the light?" Evie asked, managing to shift towards him. She felt around, finding his shoulder. Leaning her head on it, Evie pulled out her phone, just as Doug did the same thing.

"Yes, and I don't know why that was so delayed," he remarked, turning on his flashlight.

"Right? As smart as we are, it took approximately four minutes to grab a flashlight" Evie laughed, playfully pushing his shoulder.

The flicker of the white lights hit the wall and the surrounding living room. Evie turned her light on Doug, blinding his eyes. Quickly putting up his hand towards her light, he squinted his eyes and smiled.

"You needed to really see me, huh?"

"Yep. I wanted to make sure you weren't Marley..." Evie said quite frankly, only screaming when Doug whispered in her ear "Marley" in a deep tone. She pushed him away, only for him to come closer and plant a kiss on her cheek.

"No, I'm not Marley, Evie. And just to make sure, your favorite color is pin—oof" He almost finished before a throw pillow hit his shoulder. "Okay, okay, I'm done joking. I'm pretty sure the fuse just went out because my Christmas fanatic put up three tons of decorations"

"So now you're the mechanical husband? What happened to the "I'm not your typical guy" husband?" Evie inquired, trying to hold a straight face. Proving to be a fail, she burst into laughter and squealed when picked up from her cozy position on the sofa.

"Now, I'm the mechanical husband so we can go back to watching our movie and my wife can pull the blanket over her eyes in fear" He retorted and put her down on her feet.

Evie crossed her arms. "Well, now show me how it's done"

The two of them, flashlights in hand, walked through the dark cottage to the door leading to the basement. "You go down first, my Prince in shining armor" Evie said, her voice confident. Doug turned to face her and shook his head in near disbelief.

"My Evie? The lady from the Isle of the Lost, who fought like 20 pirates in 10 minutes, is afraid of the basement?" Doug questioned. Evie rolled her eyes.

"For one, there's no lights. Two, I'm spooked by Marley and three, you're playing the role of the typical husband, so you go first" Evie concluded, matter of factly, once again crossing her arms. "Since when are you afraid of the basement?"

Doug chuckled at her antics. "Since never. Come on, let's go. I guess you can ride on my back. It's safer, anyway" he suggested. Evie didn't take a minute, as she quickly hopped on his back and the two descended down the steps towards the corner of the unfinished basement.

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